Interview with THE rollitup


Well-Known Member
This wasn't exactly planned, so I edited a few things to make it easier to read. Hope you guys like it! :peace:

<rollitup> i have neglected this forum for a bit here trying to get other things on the go
<rollitup> im back 95% though
<stemseed> ah, well that's cool.
<rollitup> going to tripple the traffic in a couple months
<stemseed> really? how so?
<rollitup> going to make rollitup rank #1 for marijuana
<rollitup> or atleast top 3
<stemseed> with the contest?
<rollitup> no
<rollitup> marijuana - Google Search
<rollitup> thats what i do for a living
<rollitup> rank websites
<stemseed> i see
<rollitup> boring as hell though
<rollitup> :)
<rollitup> good payoff when its done
<stemseed> hah i can only guess
<stemseed> i never thought you could make enough to survive from that

<rollitup> if you do it for yourself you can
<rollitup> i had a guy doing a program for RIU but I cant remember his nickname for the life of me
<rollitup> seritonin or something
<stemseed> lol
<stemseed> so what do you know about the other communities?

<rollitup> what do you mean
<stemseed> i was active over at for a while, but this is growing on me
<rollitup> :) I dont really pay attention to other communities
<stemseed> just wondering your look on them
<stemseed> ah, well that's cool.

<rollitup> same thing to offer as us... they are larger and it seems less personal
<rollitup> we are more of a large family
<stemseed> yea
<rollitup> help when we can
<rollitup> I have seen users bend over backwards for other users
<rollitup> comprimised their own security to help a member that was having a tough go of it
<rollitup> that in itself is a rare thing
<rollitup> i offered to post someone's bail but the brother got to it before me lol
<stemseed> wow, that's nice.
<rollitup> he was a good guy
<rollitup> been here since almost the begining
<stemseed> how long as the site been up?
<stemseed> has*

<rollitup> almost 2 years i believe
<stemseed> ah, not too long
<rollitup> no
<stemseed> well, besides making the #1 marijuana site, what other plans do you have in store?
<rollitup> Rollitup started out as a hobby for me, I was sick of spending all my time on other sites for money and I needed an escape something that I could put personal interest in and could watch grow, as far as the plans for the site it has always and will always be up to the users what they want to make of it. When their is a request I try and fill the request.
<rollitup> So to answer the question wherever the wind blows it
<rollitup> It can stay forever the way it is or it can transform into something totally different as long as the users are happy with it I love watching it grow
<rollitup> I would like one day to publish a magazine @ $ cost and get an issue going for every 6 months or every year, with highlights of the grows that went on during the year
<stemseed> so would you be open to a yearly rollitup convention? :)
<rollitup> name the place and I will hop on the plane
<stemseed> i vote fdd's
<rollitup> we have threatened that me and gardenknowm will show up one day to fdd's
<stemseed> you're okay with people knowing what you do correct?
<rollitup> sure
<rollitup> dont matter to me
<stemseed> kk
<stemseed> what's going on with the new changes at the top of

<rollitup> well I needed a way to help fund rollitup, as you can see those are sponsors that are listed on those tabs... for the 1.5 years I have personally paid for RIU in which I dont mind at all since it is sort of my pride and joy, however we have a lot of potential to grow this website into something spectacular but spectacular costs money
<rollitup> The best way to do that is to use our existing power to introduce products to our current visitors in which our sponsors help pay the bills
<rollitup> make sense ?
<stemseed> is that why you've added in the 'elite rolling society' as well?
<stemseed> yea, makes plenty of sense

<rollitup> The elite rolling society is based for users that want a get away from the main stream of things and to have a little haven.... @ $5 a month I believe it is a steal... all money made from the elite club go right back into it, for example this month I am trying to get a speaker from our local university and to speak to them about on-line security, Internet intrusion, photo wiping etc....
<rollitup> It is more for our long term members... for example our long term members have wanted a classifieds section for 6-7 months now, but I could not see it being possible without filtering out the people that would abuse it
<rollitup> As for how much profit rollitup is making I would like to get that out in the open as well
<stemseed> okay
<rollitup> Rollitup generates 100-200 profit per month, Sponsors pay $175/month and that gets dumped right back into server costs and security, if there is a profit it will get spent the same month on a security upgrade for the site, or for example we had a profit of $250 this was able to purchase 2 news hd's in a raide (configuration which means they mirror themselves)
<rollitup> this month*
<rollitup> lol trying to think of what to type and disable banners for the elite society at the same time
<stemseed> what are your biggest challenges with
<rollitup> drama :) hands down
<stemseed> haha, political?
<rollitup> users lurking other users... taking jabs when they can. I see the mods and shake my head, being a mod makes them a target and I think they deal with it VERY well but it is a never ending battle with users against the moderators. The mods are not here to answer your questions just like everyone else they do it to help other users, a moderators job is to protect our users.
<rollitup> I read the posts that some users say to the moderators and can not believe they were able to keep their head. I would have just clicked the ban button
<rollitup> :) but then thats me
<stemseed> hah, well luckily you're only admin
<rollitup> Most of the time Rollitup is a really easy going forum and we have the users and mods to thank for that, sometimes the drama starts people leave but rollitup will always be rollitup
<stemseed> ;) hmm, so any other comments, something you've wanted to say to everybody, stories?
<rollitup> Not really Im just here for the ride and sitting in the back seat, the best way to get a hold of me in in live chat. Also on another note there is a big contest comming so make sure you are taking lots of pictures of your grow journal and keeping it up to date!


Well-Known Member
cool read, gives a little insight on our beloved home, and the hard work people put in for us to have this community. again thanks to everyone who has brought riu to us the peoples lol. on another note, i would like to see riu be the biggest and most popular site of its kind. i just wonder if that would take away the family type closeness we have.


Well-Known Member
cool stuff.. whats this pay 5 bucks a month member thing? what kind of cool hings do you get to do?


Well-Known Member
hey stem....excellent post...and thanks to you and RIU....thats was a very cool and interesting post!


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Wow great post stemseed. I felt like I was in the chat room, lol.
You rock RIU, keep up the great work! :mrgreen::peace: