Introducing Nutes

Schar BK

Hey All,

So my seedling is a week old now and things are looking really good. I was just wondering when i should start to introduce my nutrients to the plant? I know I should start at 1/4 strength i just dont know when



Well-Known Member
Whats soil are you using? Most soils have enough nutes in them to get the plant through Veg. I would not put any nutes on her yet. Being a week old she is still too little for nutes.


Well-Known Member
Plain water will ride you out until you are ready to transplant out of cups or trays. If you are using a sterile medium, I would introduce your nutrients at like you said, 1/4 dosage. If they start yellowing like they are needing more nutrients, give it a half dose, so on, yada yada. My Apollo 13 plants are in a 1:1 ratio of Pro-mix and Happy Frog. After the first watering with no nutrients they were yellowing like Nitrogen Def. The next time I watered a day or two later, I added the week 1 dosage of nutes and they blew up.

Typically though if I use any soil in the mix, I just feed plain water and let it eat the nutes in the soil and then once it shows me it wants more nutes, I move to week 1.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro,

In soil, generally, I like to start nutes about week three. You want to have enough root growth to support it. Before that, the soil has pretty much everything they need. I usually start off with a CalMag treatment first, then I move to a 20-20-20 soluable.