Introduction and 1st time grow... a little help needed :)


New Member
Hi all, 1st time poster and hopefully many more to come in the future.

My names Nick, 20 years old, born in the UK but now living in Spain and looking forward to taking advantage of the climate and hopefully growing some good bud.

I dont have dealing in mind, just a personal stash for me and my gf and maybe a few pals

Got me 3 Auto Big Bang (greenhouseseeds) seeds over the net from an online grow shop here in Spain and an Auto Red Skunk thrown in for free with my order so 4 seeds all together.

Been doing a lot of research for a couple of weeks on the forum, seen some great advise and topics, so yeah... awesome forum :mrgreen:

well thats my short story, just got a few questions before i get the ball rolling and would really appreciate some help, dont worry im not just gonna piss off once i've got the answers, I'll stick around and hopefully get to meet some cool people and (eventually) get good at growing.

Money is really tight hence why i wanna do some home grown and starting to get a bit tired of ups and downs in the measures from my dealer, I wanna do an all natural outdoor grow and save $ where possible.

Saw a post from a guy on here that was doing some small grows on his balcony just with sun light and water and i must say they didn't look half bad,

So anyways a few quickfire questions should set me straight, also any tips and advise would be great :mrgreen:

1. When it comes to germinating which is the best method/which do you prefer... the paper towel method, glass of water or straight into soil?

2. Heard from a friend that once sprouted and transferred into pots you can use stuff like left over fruit and vegetables as great natural nutes? one guy even said dog shit was good:confused::confused:

3. My last and most concerning question... for now lol! Once my plants have had enough sun light for the day, is it ok to put my plants indoors over night (this will be in an almost completely dark spare room i have) just to keep them safe over night from getting pinched by someone or do they need to be kept in their natural enviroment (outside) ??

Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to read all this, probably silly questions but hey, better safe than sorry right?

Once i've started i'll keep you guys updated with plenty of pics to follow!

thanks!! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Sounds good! Since youre using autoflowers you pulling them into the house at night wont hurt them at all.

As for germinating paper towel can be good but dont get it too wet or youll have a hard time getting it out without hurting the tap root and basically killing the seedling. I like rapid rooters, but have never used the glass of water. Straight into the soil is always good as long as its not too deep.

i wouldnt use left over vegetable or stuff like that for autoflowers. Those would be good if you were adding them to a plot of land outdoors. Also i would not use dog shit. Either grab a cheap all in one nute like dyna grow or jacks classic if money is tight.

Promix is generally the cheapest dirt i can find and still good quality. I use blue planet nutrients and you can get a starter 3 pack for about 25 plus shipping.

let me know if you have any more questions,.


New Member
Hey, thanks for the quick reply.. that certainly clears a lot up for me, especially the indoor over night thing! all in one nutes seem like a great idea especially on my budget.

Gonna head down to a local garden center on Friday and get myself some soil... do they only sell this dyna grow stuff at specialized grow shops or should i be able to pick some up at the garden center when i get my soil?

can you recommend anything else i should be looking for at the garden center?

Thanks dude!


Well-Known Member
I doubt you will find Dyna at a normal store. But I use it and am very happy with th ease. Keep it simple till you're an expert is my motto.

Good luck!


New Member
Quick update! got some decent soil from the garden centre, gonna go back during the week to get some nutes

popped them into the shot glasses about an hour ago, the one in the pink glass is the AUTO Red Skunk (which will be my contender for the solo cup comp) and the other 3 are my BIG BANGS

wish me luck guys! im gonna need it haha



New Member
aha very lucky lady.. living in one of the very few legal states, I'll definitely pm her if I need help, thank you.

All 4 seeds have split the shells and I've moved to paper towels on a plate, checked this morning and 2 of them have nice healthy looking tails sprouting :)

pics to follow!


New Member
hi again guys sorry for double posting but quick question..

I've planted 3 of my seeds in paper cups yesterday morning, gave them a good amount of water and they've had about 8 to 9 hours of good strong sun light ( 10/11am until 6/7pm) my question is, how long can I expect until I see the stems start to poke out the soil? and to start growing little leaves?

i seem to have a little trouble making seed still germinating in a paper towel, need some advice on wheather to keep it in paper towel or go ahead and plant it.

I will post some pics up as soon as I get home from work, thanks guys you've been awesome so far!!