Introduction. Not a 'noob but new here.

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Hello everyone! I'm just wanting to introduce myself to the Rollitup folks. Call me Dyers. I've been growing since my dad started having me carry his water to his plants when I was 8 years old in the very early 80's. By six or seven years later I was growing with a buddy at his mom's place in their basement (she was well aware and was kept in personal herb). I rode out the prohibition to medical to recreational growing pains pretty well because I've always been more into genetics than growing a cash crop. Don't get me wrong, I made a buck or two, we all did, but I was into seeds and crossing my Mexi brick weed seed genetics and the solid clones and early seed strains like the pre-Holland 'Dutchification' Skunk lines and old west coast sativas and Affies. Now I have a collection of genetics that I'm putting into play as seed lines and crosses. We call my facilities collectively The Gene Forge, and my seeds will come out as Luck Dragon Seeds. I've got a few test growers and am looking for more and simple contact with other genetics hounds. If that's you drop me a line or post to me here. I'm going to lurk around and make posts as they come to me. Good luck in all of your endeavors. - DyersEve
Thanks! My wife has been saying I need to do more that 'putter around' with my plants. So now I'll spend too much time here.
Welcome! I'll be following along as a big fan of a lot of the genetics from the 70s and 80s. I recently was able to get a seed to pop that were in storage for a couple decades. The guy who taught me to grow had been working a Skunk x (Afghani x Paki) line in the 80s and he gave me a bunch of the seeds he had left when he quit growing in the late 90s. I wish I had seed stock for the parent strains individually, but the cross has just enough distinctive traits of the parent strains to take me down memory lane. Look forward to seeing what you a working with!
Welcome! I'll be following along as a big fan of a lot of the genetics from the 70s and 80s. I recently was able to get a seed to pop that were in storage for a couple decades. The guy who taught me to grow had been working a Skunk x (Afghani x Paki) line in the 80s and he gave me a bunch of the seeds he had left when he quit growing in the late 90s. I wish I had seed stock for the parent strains individually, but the cross has just enough distinctive traits of the parent strains to take me down memory lane. Look forward to seeing what you a working with!
I hear you. I was happily growing along a couple years ago and started to notice that the strains I was used to getting my hands on when I was much younger either weren't the same any more or weren't around in their original forms anymore. I know this sounds like an old story in the cannabis genetics world but I just wasn't finding the qualities and traits I had been used to finding. And I'm not talking about the Dutchification of Skunk, Haze, Northern Lights and so on, I'm talking about the seed scene since 2000. I'm talking about the Cindy 99's and Jack Herers. The companies like Paradise, Delta 9, Greenhouse (I shouldn't even get started on that outfit). The European standard strains. It was like all of them lost old mother plants or something and they subbed in pale comparisons to the originals. So I realized that the only way cannabis was going to get some of that old magic back aws to start tracking down seed stocks that were descended from the landraces that were the P-1 stocks of so many solid strains. Some are lost forever. Some Afghani, Central American, Thai and other Asian populations are still out there. Ace and some other people are doing a good job of bringing some of those lines back around. People like AK Bean Brains, NorStar and other American breeders are working on connecting cannabis trolls who haven't seen anything but HID light since the 80's with the next generation, the kids that never dealt with prohibition and don't realize that a lot of older growers and genetics hounds have a highly developed sense of paranoia. Many won't even discus letting their precious genetic lines out of their control. It takes time to get real Oaxacan or other landrace genetics. I had a kid that used to live in my town decide to hitch hike with a buddy around South America and I asked him to keep any seeds he found in any cannabis he came across. I gave him baggies and labels and asked him to wright down anything he thought was relevant about them. Climate where it came from, any characteristics about the smoke itself or the people who handled or grew it. Anything. He did an excellent job and I've been working my way through them. Some weren't viable, some stocks only had a 5-10% germination rate, some were closer to 95%. Sometimes it's easier when you don't end up with 500 seeds of some unknown sativa from Uruguay. Sometimes I see more when I only have 20 or 30 plants or less from one stock or another. I've ended up with incredible plants that were one of one or three seeds that sprouted out of a huge frigging sandwich bag of seeds. I'm taken' 'em from wherever I can get 'em. Sometimes I think about all the times I deseeded a brick and just tossed them out, then I remind myself that I'm not going to get anywhere pining for bygone weed. I've also been acquiring a lot of modern strains from American post legalization breeders who show a lot of promise and am having a lot to be happy about from them. I've narrowed down my pool to around 50 strains and cultivars that I just can't seem to thin any further lately. I'm sure some will drop out as I go and more will be found. What I need right now are collaborators who have space under their lights for some untested crossings and that kind of thing and I know that kind of thing comes with time. Fortunately growers who've got more than a few grows under their belts tend to be patient. It's a self selecting population since impatient types get themselves in trouble one way or another.
Hey, that ain't nothing wrong with puttering around with ones plants, in fact my plants are the only ones that know all my secrets, wink! But welcome the neighborhood Dyers, and I will be looking out for one of your Holland type Skunk grows! As I would like to see if they resemble a Kentucky skunk cut I been keeping for many years!
BTW, have you thought about making a couple filial generations to try to select for those traits?
I wish I could, but I'm moving in the spring and I just do not have the time or space for any breeding projects at the moment. Maybe when I get settled at the new place.. :D
Welcome to riu.

Please be mindful that your post can be considered a low key advertisement for your seeds as you mentioned the brand name you will go under.

Kinda not allowed without paying for ad space.

Just a friendly heads up.

Enjoy. I'm sure we will chat often.

Hey Smokinrav, you're a moderator, there's a few things I'd like to know so I don't get on you guys' bad side. How much can I do to recruit test growers and promote my genetics? I'm at the stage of my breeding where I need to give away a lot of seed packs and get feedback from the people growing from my seed. I plan on going public at the IndoExpo in Portland this summer. Getting my name out and the Luck Dragon/Gene Forge names out before going public will be a crucial element. I've been working towards this for several years and I would like to bring my strains and cultivars to the people and these forums could be a big help if I know what I can and can't say in them. If you could help I would be very grateful. I make both feminized and regs, all anyone interested has to do is tell which they prefer. Can I ask people to direct/private message me to discus this?

that person you quoted is not a moderator, any moderator here will have a "staff member" logo next to their name,

We dont allow users to promote sales, gifting, trades etc. be it private message or open forum, there are various reason for this, safety is one concern, public information, people not being real business , shady gifting's, and that it can ultimately get our website taken down etc etc.
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