Inuit Throat Singing


Active Member
My family has links to the Inuit community in Northern Canada. (not by heritage but by association) I was at the Aboriginal Festival here over the weekend and got to listen to a live throat singing performance and loved it.

If you've never heard Inuit throat singing you have to listen to this.

I find it hypnotic and I just want to lay a 4/4 techno beat to it.

Hope you enjoy:



Well-Known Member
In the movie, Wristcutters:A Love Story, there was a girl who did this. My first and only experience with such things. Cool movie btw.


Ursus marijanus
Two throat-singing movie reccos;
The Fast Runner
Genghis Blues (the Tuvan style with which I am familiar and can halfway do myself) cn


Well-Known Member
neo beat me too it lol

I wanted to learn how to do it though, you just jogged my memory, thanks!


Ursus marijanus
Tuvan throat singing is amazing too! Where did you learn?
Fourteen years ago I bought a CD by a Finnish a capella group called Värttinä. A couple of tracks had throat singers. i simply tried and tried until i could follow. Now if you want me to clear a room, I'll do Human Bagpipe. It absolutely nails people's first impression that i am maybe just a little bit batshit. :mrgreen: cn


Active Member
haha I love it.. love the bag pipes too :D

I was looking at Tuvan throat singing on youtube earlier today so its awesome you brought it up