Inventronics drivers vs Meanwell drivers

You are in Europe, yes? Unlike Mean Well which makes drivers for all AC inputs that can be used almost anywhere in the world, I believe Inventronics divides their's into low-voltage and high-voltage models to improve the efficiency of their low-voltage models. But I think there are some mistakes on their website because the EBV-500 is stated as being "suitable for North American use" but its input voltage is 176-305V AC, so I can't see how that would work on 110-115V mains. The ESD-320 is even more confusing because the datasheet lists its minimum input voltage as 249V AC, so that wouldn't even work in Australia where we have 230V mains. Yet it is listed as "suitable for North American use". All I can think of is that they are intended to be used on three-phase power, but I don't know for sure. I wish I could help you but I am just as confused!
Sorry for the sloooooow response, I was actually refering to their constant power ranges, which is similar to the xlg range of meanwell only that where meanwell do L,M and H versions inventronics have many more so its easy to find and match a driver for strange voltages which are covered by cv drovers but not well matched for the standard hlg cc driver type which seems like mostly based around 36V. For example if your led circuit requires 120v dc its almost impossible to find a good fit meanwell hlg driver, but inventronics manages fine.
-I have seen the highest failures in meanwell 240-c's. Nearly 3X the failure rates of other meanwells HLG wattages.
-320-csw meanwells being the next to fail most
-And the 600w-54v have failed the least. And have designs running both 320w or 600w and the 320w'er fail 2X more than the 600w in the same system.

This is out of ~5000 240w, ~5000pcs of 320w, and ~10,000pc of 600w. So can speak on it with good confidence in the sample size of my usage.
All small amounts of failures from the total in use, maybe ~1.5+% on the 240w'ers compared to ≤1% in the others.

Getting meanwell to RMA something vs others... is where you will see other companies actually service and stand behind their products. Meanwell is a shit company to work with.
That's a lot more than we sell. We've sold maybe 300+ HLG-480H-48/54 drivers and had 3-4 returns. But we've sold a similar number of HLG-320H-48 drivers and had none fail so far. We don't sell that many 200 and 240 drivers.
So as I've installed these drivers in hi -lux apps . in usa the specs usually install inventronics .they preset for increased light intensity moon spectrum . Sincce 2016 the inventronics euc or any hlg hazard light normally easily or automatically adjust spec. between automatic and timer apps . It's like a fail-safe . I replace these lights because we get rebate after 7 years so a 2016 driver is usually like new . because of this . Without control pin the driver self adjust perfectly spec cc/v . So just need 1-10 dimmer . then 0ff switch or timer in manual mode. You can and buy the plug thing from inventronics dude in Florida and computer everything . Its like a elm fitting diode. With that said at shut down and warmup they take their time anyway
on manual . Meanwells we loose a couple here and their . Usually short as they still pull after taken out . A lot of meanwells just reset in default . So meanwells might go on forever . inventronics is continually adjusting once locked in . Meanwell shorts then reset . Hope I've helped . for diy . indoors though i think it is price and availability . So those meanwell hlg a-b could be better if you can't access supply house . Meanwell n. america sells otc . inventronics . here in atlanta requires licensing . Actually I guess meanwell does too if buying local ibew warehouse .Atlanta is like New York after Covid . everbody is a dick . Peace out