Inverted's 20+ Female Bushes!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for all your comments and well being! Much more appreciated when the feedback comes back like it has...

Anyways, Like I said...I know about my average yields and I know they arent monsters or anything at this time of year, but where I live we start flowering a little later than most of you guys so I have a little bit more time.

The ground doesn't even thaw out until early may or later around here anyways so It's not like It's an option to grow huge ball-shaped bushes unless I grew them indoors starting in February!? I cannot do that.

Besides that shit, I know they look a lot smaller in the pictures than in person trust me, it's the angle I take those shots from that make them look half the size.

The most needy ones that were rootbound to hell took the transplant (no shock at all) to the ground on a grassy hill with nearly no trees around to block the sun anymore. They are going to take OFF! Yes I know they don't look bushy or big but I haven't updated for a while and the secondary branches have really filled them in to look more like a "bush".

Last time I grew, I put my plants in tiny holes in the ground, I mean like 2-3 gallons, and they were averaging half the size at this date of my current plants, and I still pulled at least 1 Oz per plant and some up to 3 Oz. This year they have 20 - 30 gallons. So I'm shooting for 3-5 on my top ten plants and 2-3 on my next ten and maybe and Oz or 2 from the last group of runts all together.

I think thats somewhere around 2-3 Lbs.? 3oz X 10 = 30 Oz per top 10 / 2oz X 10 = 20 Oz last 10 = 50 Oz (3 Lb. 2 Oz)

Lets just say all 20 of my good plants get just 1 Oz, which my smallest of the 20 will probably even get more: 20 Ounces is already more than a pound my friends so lets just say it will PROBABLY be between a 1-3 Lb yield this year... :hump:

Thanks for listening to me ramble and blaze on!!! :blsmoke:
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Well-Known Member
now u are saying u pulled between 1 oz. and 3 oz. per plant. before u said 2 pounds. MAKE UP YOUR MIND. If u tell the truth u dont have to worry about forgetting your lies. anyway good luck getting 2-3 pounds of those HUGE BUSHES!!!!! If u ever grew in the past u wouldnt have such far fetched expectations. u are pretty lame. Go check your plants again and again and again. NEWBIE


Well-Known Member
Never got a male, hrmm I suspect your bagseed is from Hermie Stock. If so you will get about half that show some Male tendencies. IE: Flowers that have Pollen Balls.
This man speaks the truth.

go study marijuana cultivation for another 3 years while u think of a way to hide your grow from mommy and daddy. ...... or your attempted grow I should say.
Never learned how to edit a post?
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Well-Known Member
come on guys, we aren't here to talk shit. We are here to observe other growers and if needed ask questions. No more flaming.....


Well-Known Member
Thats all I was doing! Go back through the posts, he just rips on my grow for no reason...., someone before him did it too...I think its just this website cuz the other forums are full of mature people... I just get high and enjoy other people's shit but some people just gotta be the "big guy".... Peace out and get fucked up! :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
not a bully in the least find another post anywhere of mine where u get that impression. he called them bushes and I JOKINGLY said .....where? he blew it up and said ST fuck u to me. wasnt supposed to blow-up like that it was a JOKE .................. at first anyway


Well-Known Member
yeah, this thread did get outta hand and Im willing to admit part of it was my fault. I appologize 4 that. we were both at fault and I am moving on. good luck BTW