invisible bugs?


Well-Known Member
as usual total newb here. ok i have 2 plants in soil, started them with sunshine advanced mix 4 , transplanted to 3 gal plant warrior pots with ffof. they are 37 days from seed indoors. using RO water ph going in is 7.0 run off 6.7. watering when pots get light.they seem to have something chowing down on the leaves :weed: inspected with magnifying glass top and bottom of leaves but don't see any movement or other such critters. pics attached. pls anyone got a theory :idea:


Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I do not grow in soil but should not the ph be 6.2 for nutes or flush?Some pics looks like a medium size bug damage.Other pics looks like necrosis in irregular pattern as if in a dry enviroment.
Someone for sure will chime in with a more expert diagnosis.
More info on your grow will help along.


Well-Known Member
so far haven,t had to feed them just straight ro water. RH is around 41% sometimes lower. plants under 400 watt mh. not sure what other info would help such a newbie here if asked i'll answer but i don't know the questions to answer lol. do yoou think raisin the rh would help with the necrosis? i'm still in veg at this point thanks for your input


Active Member
you got a cat? lol
as usual total newb here. ok i have 2 plants in soil, started them with sunshine advanced mix 4 , transplanted to 3 gal plant warrior pots with ffof. they are 37 days from seed indoors. using RO water ph going in is 7.0 run off 6.7. watering when pots get light.they seem to have something chowing down on the leaves :weed: inspected with magnifying glass top and bottom of leaves but don't see any movement or other such critters. pics attached. pls anyone got a theory :idea:


Well-Known Member
no cat just a Killer attack poodle 4.5lb but she's not allowed in the room. besides the girls are in a bath tub and she can't reach them


Active Member
dude wtf i just woke up and went in my grow room and literally overnight this same thing happened to my leafs

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I would adjust RO(or any future nutes?) to ph 6.2.The humidity is on the low side for veg but I do not think transpiration is causing leaf damage?Chose a complete fert and use at 1/8th strength ph 6.2 between waterings is what I would do.I do not know how richly amended your soil is but bump the strength up if she likes the nute.


Well-Known Member
if you want to know if you got soil bugs, cut a potato in half and put the cut side down. wait 12 hours and check. you will see thrips or gnats. check your roots. pull up the plant, if you see a waxy white web, you got root aphids.
I would not advise pulling up the plant to see if you have root aphids, that damages them.
1. pray that you don't have them - they are like the terminator : [video=youtube_share;ZKbZMIP4XUE][/video]
apparently will not let me code this video to a specific time
fast forward to 1 m 22 s.

You will not win

2. Water your plants as you would normally. Wait five minutes. Squat down so your eyes are 6 inches from the soil surface. 3
Take your finger and pull a line (like writing your name in the sand or something). Watch carefully for 60 seconds.

Watering pushes them up, they can't breath if all the soil pore spaces are filled with liquid and they will move to the surface.