Ionic Nutrients.. what ones do I need?


Well-Known Member
I have used Ionic Nutrients before but thinking of getting a tent and upping the game a but.

Do I really need the Liquid Silicon, Oxygen and all the rest?

I have grow, bloom, boost, Nitrozyme (for seeds and folar) and forfulex will the other stuff make a diff?

Thank for any advice :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hi Harper :)

Not used Ionic myself , But i may be giving them a try on my next crop after talking with a few shops .

Im sure you allready know , But nutrients and addatives are designed for YOU to control how much and what you want your plants to have .

Plants will grow with just water ... But you use the nutes and add's to make that growth stonger faster and to give the plants what they would like at diffrent stages of the growth cycle .

You dont "Need" Silicon or Oxygen ... But it will give you better results and help you maintain a healthy plant ... It may allso up your yeild .

I tend to look at it like feeding a child , If you give it the correct food and vitimins it may reduce illness and make the child stronger , This gives the child a better chance at life .

So to answer both your questions ... No you Don't NEED them ... But Yes they Will Make A Difference ! :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice. Would an EC pen be a good investment?
An EC Meter would be a fantastic investmet as it gives you greater control over the exact amounts of nutes your giving , Shop around though, i have seen them for many rangeing prices , The cheapest i have found so far was here But you get what you pay for ... I would recomend this EC Meter (after much looking around .. im planning on getting one pretty soon )

If your In the UK , Contact me and i can help you get a 10 % discount on ALL products from that and other shops :)

Hope this helps :)


Well-Known Member
An EC pen in my eyes is the only way to test your nutes.

I too use the IONIC range and here is what i use.

Growth Technologies FORMULEX (for seedlings and clones)
Growth Technologies Liquid silicon

I also use GHE RIPEN and Molasses.

I think the growth technologies products are pretty good for the price.



Well-Known Member
An EC pen in my eyes is the only way to test your nutes.

I too use the IONIC range and here is what i use.

Growth Technologies FORMULEX (for seedlings and clones)
Growth Technologies Liquid silicon

I also use GHE RIPEN and Molasses.

I think the growth technologies products are pretty good for the price.

I wasthinking of getting a small fog maker that you just put in watter.... thing is I was thinking of putting in some folar feed.... think that wuld work as extra feed even on a 15/15min timer?


Well-Known Member
You can use FORMULEX as a foliar feed 5ml/1litre personally i would use probably 2ml/1litre



Well-Known Member
Do you think it would work in the fogger or will the nutes not turn to fog and just jam it? You think a fogger would to good anyway?


Well-Known Member
IM not too sure what you mean by a fogger ?

Is this a hydro related tool?
Or is it just like a coolmist fogger?

Usually anything that is made solely for water will clogg with dissolved salts run through it. I remember someone talking about using a coolmist humidifier and wondered whether they could add nutes to it but it was stated that it would clogg the nozzle.

If what you plan on using is a HYDROPONICS piece of kit then it should be fine.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advise mate but the full thing is off now as think im splitting with fiancee so gonna need a place to crash....