IOWA: Student Dies After Gay Bashing

You could offend me if you tried

meanwhile in China:


look at the old man between the soldiers. I think he likes it.
if you look really close, nobody is even really looking at them. the guard with the funny look on his face is looking at something behind the girls and out of frame. the other guard is looking far off to his left. and the dude looking down is simply '"watching his step". leave it to carne to try to spin it into something else. :roll:
Michelle Bachmann is part of the problem, yes. Her rhetoric and her husband's ex-gay clinic help fuel the hate and fear that causes tragedies like this. Look at that kid's life and what he contributed and compare it to the trash that killed him. Welcome to the gay world. He was trying to make a change and died for his efforts.
Wow just wow, incrediable the lengths you liberial pukes will go to bash the right. Shame on you!