IQ test


Well-Known Member
I did it twice and got 134 both times...apparently my strongest area is knowledge storage.

"Your results show that you have an excellent memory and tons of facts and trivia in that brain of yours. You pack rat all kinds of knowledge and can remember some things clearly months after the fact."

That proves it people, weed does not destroy the mind brain thingamajigg.


stays relevant.

Your strongest area is Knowledge Storage.

Your results show that you have an excellent memory and store tons of facts and trivia in that brain of yours. You pack rat all kinds of knowledge and can remember some things clearly months after the fact.

This test has to be complete bullshit, because while generally my knowledge storage is probably one of my strongest areas, my memory is shot to shit. I wouldn't even remember what I ate for dinner last night if it weren't for the fact that I have a Del Taco bag on top of the trash can.

Either way, interesting quiz to spend few minutes on.


Well-Known Member
Baked silly and 145 : Strongest area visualisation... no shit... nobody knows the things I've seen.

