Iran kick off looking iminant?


Well-Known Member
It's that ole military-industrial complex thingy lol. Much of the economy of our country, and the world is built on war-making. Stop all the wars and we'd have the biggest depression the world has ever seen.


Well-Known Member
Ralf you are a disgrace, people like you were the ones manning the ovens. You should be ashamed of yourself. Acting like a goyim hero so they can inflate your ego is sickening.


Active Member
Hey Fenderburn84 I noticed that Jews tend to write God as G-D like in your sig why is that out of curiosity?


Well-Known Member
And I apologize if any but the Target of my rant caught any feelings. It was not meant as disrespect to anyone but bitch ass ralf,


Well-Known Member
It's just on this page. This guy makes me want to start trolling LOL, just a panderer imo there is no lower creature than one who will spit on his own to gain favor. A real scumbag move.


Well-Known Member
I meant not just on this thread.
I was gonna say, I read 5 pages back and lost interest lol. I've seen your posts get interesting but you always have had respect, never expected you to call someone a bitch ass. Just wish you added motherfucker in there. I don't know why, just do.
