Iran kick off looking iminant?

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Well then I guess we disagree. Because in my opinion every single person within 100 square miles of Bin Laden at the time should of gone to Allah proppelled by a mushroom cloud
That's a rather stupid and irresponsible statement.

Just as stupid and irresponsible as the statement that I found offensive from the OP.


Active Member
Oh yeah, 7 dollar a gallon gas would absolultly destroy US and let's not forget tba ICBM site they are trying to build in Venezuela. That is a direct threat to our country, I understand its all a zionist ploy in your swiss cheese minds, but if you come back to reality for a minute, you would see the threat.
So explain to me why we are planning on going there if its not about the 'safety' of Israel? And who cares what they are planning on doing in Venezuela they are FREE INDEPENDENT countries they can do what ever they like aslong as its not killing people.

Also since the topic is now on OBL and 9/11. The Taliban told the US government if they provide sufficient evidence they will hand him over but they couldn't even do that, so why should they hand him over. Each and every death is a tragedy but the American government has killed over 10 MILLION people since WW2 whether its directly or indirectly that we actually know about. Thats almost 150,000 a year..... It would take just over a week to come up with the tragic 3,000 lives lost on 9.11.


New Member
That's a rather stupid and irresponsible statement.

Just as stupid and irresponsible as the statement that I found offensive from the OP.
Maybe it is. But I am fortunate not to of lost anyone in the Twin Towers.
But what I saw live on TV has tramatized me. When the second plane hit I knew instantly it wasnt an accident. And when they came down it affected my psyche. I dont retract the way I feel about the people who did it or the people who harbored them.
Death to every single fucking one of them.


Active Member
Do you really belive that? Are we really going to enslave the world? .

Its already happened so get over it. And its not us, or America or whomever "we" that your referring to is. Its the Banks, and they own the millitary industrial complex and every last living and non-living object in the 1st world.

CFR says war with Iran. That means there will be war. End of story. CFR told us to go to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya on and on.

CFR is chaired by David Rockefeller and as a result is run by his world owning banking empire of enslavement.

Here is a fun diagram of some of our owners superficial influences;

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., in his book on the Kennedy presidency, A Thousand Days, wrote that Kennedy was not part of what he called the "New York establishment":
"In particular, he was little acquainted with the New York financial and legal community-- that arsenal of talent which had so long furnished a steady supply of always orthodox and often able people to Democratic as well as Republican administrations. This community was the heart of the American Establishment. Its household deities were Henry Stimson and Elihu Root; its present leaders, Robert Lovett and John J. McCloy; its front organizations, the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations and the Council on Foreign Relations; its organs, the New York Times and Foreign Affairs."

So were off to Liberate Iran by turning them into usuric slaves just like us.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Maybe it is. But I am fortunate not to of lost anyone in the Twin Towers.
But what I saw live on TV has tramatized me. When the second plane hit I knew instantly it wasnt an accident. And when they came down it affected my psyche. I dont retract the way I feel about the people who did it or the people who harbored them.
Death to every single fucking one of them.
Killing indiscriminately is evil no matter what the justification. That opens the door to genocide and holocaust.


Well-Known Member
I disagree with you. Acting like a beast is not an option. As a man who has seen a very limited amount of operations in a conflict, there is no reason to attack civies there is no greater tragedy.
Remember all those civilians we burned in Dresden, that was quite a sight, lots of burning men women and kids but we justified it because thats what you get for contributing to and living in a society that perpetrates atrocities....right
And don't forget all the citizens of Nagasaki and Heroshima, but they were jusk gooks right so it didn't really count I suppose
I never fought in Iraq, but yes cowards. I have nothing to discuss with you. Anyone who rationalizes terrorism away a just deserts has no buissness talking to me and has no reason to talk to one like me.
How do you think the civilians in Iraq and Afganistan are liking all the depleted uranium? They should be appreciating it for many generations to come I bet they are really glad we liberated them.
What are your thoughts on the arming of drug cartels by the govt with your tax dollars? The same cartels that are kiddnapping and beheading people and shooting up schools and drug rehabs and casinos and killing U.S. and Mexican citizens?


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah. So in your opinion it is completely justified to blow up a subway tunnel? Or attack citizens for the wrongs of their government? So how is that any different? Also we were attacked by cowards before we even started that worthless war in Iraq. But weren't there terror attacks before Iraq? Your opinion is useless.
Didn't we blow up the infastructure in Iraq? Didn't we attack their citizens because of our claims of their Govts wrongs?


Active Member
Its already happened so get over it. And its not us, or America or whomever "we" that your referring to is. Its the Banks, and they own the millitary industrial complex and every last living and non-living object in the 1st world.

CFR says war with Iran. That means there will be war. End of story. CFR told us to go to Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya on and on.

CFR is chaired by David Rockefeller and as a result is run by his world owning banking empire of enslavement.

Here is a fun diagram of some of our owners superficial influences;

Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., in his book on the Kennedy presidency, A Thousand Days, wrote that Kennedy was not part of what he called the "New York establishment":
"In particular, he was little acquainted with the New York financial and legal community-- that arsenal of talent which had so long furnished a steady supply of always orthodox and often able people to Democratic as well as Republican administrations. This community was the heart of the American Establishment. Its household deities were Henry Stimson and Elihu Root; its present leaders, Robert Lovett and John J. McCloy; its front organizations, the Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations and the Council on Foreign Relations; its organs, the New York Times and Foreign Affairs."

So were off to Liberate Iran by turning them into usuric slaves just like us.
1849: Gutele Schnaper, Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s wife dies. Before her death she would state, “If my sons did not want wars, there would be none.”


Well-Known Member
An Icbm site does put our security in jeopardy don't be dense. Who exactly does Venezuela need icbms to fight? Who is Iran the sponser of said site in a conflict with?


Active Member
Well Iran has not attacked anyone in 200 years so am not worried about them. Venezuela would be destroyed if US really wanted to instead of having the CIA attempt to do a coup.
Also you ignored the rest of my reply.


Well-Known Member
No I didn't I just don't know what to say. I'm baked and not much in the mood right now. Damn kids gave me a killer cold and I'm tired. I'll pick it up tomorrow if you want. I am enjoying this conversation.


Active Member
An Icbm site does put our security in jeopardy don't be dense. Who exactly does Venezuela need icbms to fight? Who is Iran the sponser of said site in a conflict with?
How many ICBM sites does America have?
Where are they?
Who are they aimed at?
How many Iranian carriers are hovering around America?
How many Iranian troops are amassing in Mexico?

Odvious agressor is odvious.


Well-Known Member
Well then I guess we disagree. Because in my opinion every single person within 100 square miles of Bin Laden at the time should of gone to Allah proppelled by a mushroom cloud
Comments like these is the reason 85% of the world hates America... Brain washed uneducated trailer park trash talk!!! and by 85% i mean everyone except your close friends Saudi, Pakistan, Korea & Isreal... RETARD


Well-Known Member
Comments like these is the reason 85% of the world hates America... Brain washed uneducated trailer park trash talk!!! and by 85% i mean everyone except your close friends Saudi, Pakistan, Korea & Isreal... RETARD
let them hate all they want , ,,, you ever think we hate them more , lol
ps , we still win :D


Well-Known Member
note this one is from 2008


6 to one, A half dozen to another.... nothing in war or politics is by accident.

just a couple more things you thought couldnt be true, but are...
I dare you to take a look..


Well-Known Member
if china gave every person in there country gun they would walk usa to defeat
With more than 1.3 billion people (1,336,718,015 as of mid-2011), China is the world's most populous country. As the world's population is approximately 6.7 billion, China represents a full 20% of the world's population so one in every five people on the planet is a resident of China.

As of 2012
usa has a total resident population of 312,822,000, with prob 50 percent over the age of 50 :)) and 10 percent cripples
Numbers don't mean anything. Its all about technology. China knows that if they wanted to invade us they would have to build huge transport ships. we have so many submarines that they would never reach our shores. And we can drops bombs on their ships with a vastly superior air force.