Iraqi Dinar


Well-Known Member
Any Vets or investors buy Iraqi Dinar. I bought about 185000 dinar when i was in iraq I think i Payed 1 dollar for every 1365 dinar. It is slowly going up. Its kind of my dream investment hoping it reaches heights like the kuwati dinar did. I think it went from

1US=1500KD to somthing like
3US=1KD biig return.


Well-Known Member
You still can actually. Do some research before purchasing so you dont get scammed. The Iraqi Dinar is still only trading at about 1185 dinars to a dollar. I hope this investment turns out well, cant really go bad.


Active Member
haha i can picture you and your squad raiding the bank now the spoils of war lol what you get upto in the army anyway any good storys?


Well-Known Member
They are the new currency not the old saddam bills but I do have some as souviners. I was in the Marine Corps and am a civilian now. Not really any good stories I am willing to share here on the forums but I will post a pic or two. I wish I would have raided the bank would have filled my pockets with american bills though.

second one is not a pic from iraq but of a pod of orcas while i was fishing in alaska grabbed the wrong one.



Active Member
They are the new currency not the old saddam bills but I do have some as souviners. I was in the Marine Corps and am a civilian now. Not really any good stories I am willing to share here on the forums but I will post a pic or two. I wish I would have raided the bank would have filled my pockets with american bills though.

second one is not a pic from iraq but of a pod of orcas while i was fishing in alaska grabbed the wrong one.

nice pics that dust storm is mad.


Well-Known Member
1,169.00 Iraqi Dinars = 1 USD here is the current exchange rate. Not a big change but, it has gone down by 196 dina so I have already made like 300 dollars woo hooo.


My Manager actually was telling me about this, I think he pretty much invested everything he had with a buddy of his. Im not too sure how the rate is currently going, but I just figured I would comment. My manager totally thinks this will be a big enough return to be able to retire. But so far, he still works as my manager, and its been several months since he told me this. So Im thinking its not going to be as big of a return as he originally had hoped.

Best of luck to all of ya'll though, hopefully one day I will ask myself why I didn't buy a shitload of iraqi currency.

JoNny Pot sMokeR

Active Member
I bought 10 million Denar abot 4 years ago at 600 bucks per million. right now its at about 1300 per million. i dont think i will reap the benifits of this investment but my children will. im holding on to what i have. even if it goes $0.10 on the doller i still came off like a raped ape. Ya Dig. i got a lot of the old saddam bills just for keep sakes too. Its not going to hit big any time soon but when it dose i know me and about 40 other people that bought it up just like i did. Gotta be carefull where you got it tho a lot of it goin around was fake and isnt worth its weight in shit. so be carfull who you invest with.

heres a few randoms through out my time there in 07 aon 08 In the 9th pic, yes that is snow on the ground. B6 TQ Carpenters for life.



Well-Known Member
I remember it trying to snow at Al Asad in 07'. I remember doing FOD walk at sunrise when the wind starts to pick up, It felt colder than I have even been and I am from Alaska where the winters regularly go below zero. I dont expect a quick return either, It was a retirement plan for me but If it goes big then I will def cach in to buy a house for my wife and I.