Iraqi Freedom Veteran


Hey Guys,

I'm an 80% Disabled Veteran with an MMJ card. I am happy to find such a great place of information on the wonderful Cannabis plant.

I smoke because I was diagnosed with PTSD and multi-level degenerative disc disease after leaving Iraq. I was a medic. Heavy pain pills wore on me and I became sick of taking 8 pills a day to keep me normal as a 19 year old guy.

Smoking marijuana has helped my back pain more than any pill on the market, and the euphoria induced by some Indica strains have helped me through alot of my PTSD symptoms.

None the less, I'm a music man. Guitar. 3 Years. Love life, Love Smokin'

Reppin' Colorado.


Cap K

Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

I'm an 80% Disabled Veteran with an MMJ card. I am happy to find such a great place of information on the wonderful Cannabis plant.

I smoke because I was diagnosed with PTSD and multi-level degenerative disc disease after leaving Iraq. I was a medic. Heavy pain pills wore on me and I became sick of taking 8 pills a day to keep me normal as a 19 year old guy.

Smoking marijuana has helped my back pain more than any pill on the market, and the euphoria induced by some Indica strains have helped me through alot of my PTSD symptoms.

None the less, I'm a music man. Guitar. 3 Years. Love life, Love Smokin'

Reppin' Colorado.

Good for you man! Much respect for all veterans. I hate this war and what it stands for but I love the men and women on the ground fighting it for us. Happy to hear that weed eases your discomfort.


Well-Known Member
Welcome and thank you for your sacrifice, I am currently seeing a Marine recruiter and planning on joining deps soon so I can also help out.


Active Member
NICE seems like alot of people on here are in colorado, it would be awesome to have the first RIU smokeout in the mountains! We already have some of the best bud readily available and a million cool places to smoke.


First of all, I appreciate all of the encouraging comments, and I am proud to have served a country that will hopefully listen to the outcries of of those who want Marijuana removed from the Schedule 1 Drug list.

NICE seems like alot of people on here are in colorado, it would be awesome to have the first RIU smokeout in the mountains! We already have some of the best bud readily available and a million cool places to smoke.
That would be awesome man. I'm down to get some sort of site together or get some kinda local community of Mile-High Stoners.

Colorado was recently in a High Times article highlighting places all over the WORLD that have a steadily growing Cannabis community. 84% of the counties in CO has at least one person with an MMJ license.

I just got my first Government Ganja bud. Nothing like it...


thanks for your service dawg
Im enlisting in the Marine Corps after highschool, Im currently in Army JROTC for my high school


Active Member
i'm not big on war. i don't think there is a "good guy" or a "bad guy", but i do think it takes a lot of guts to fight in one. and that's something i really look up to. i hope uncle sam and mary jane are good to you.


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

I'm an 80% Disabled Veteran with an MMJ card. I am happy to find such a great place of information on the wonderful Cannabis plant.

I smoke because I was diagnosed with PTSD and multi-level degenerative disc disease after leaving Iraq. I was a medic. Heavy pain pills wore on me and I became sick of taking 8 pills a day to keep me normal as a 19 year old guy.

Smoking marijuana has helped my back pain more than any pill on the market, and the euphoria induced by some Indica strains have helped me through alot of my PTSD symptoms.

None the less, I'm a music man. Guitar. 3 Years. Love life, Love Smokin'

Reppin' Colorado.

Thanks for all that you have done nigga! :hug: and Welcome!