Irish Boys Return Of The Inferno With The Spectra 180's


Well-Known Member
Whats the best strain to use i want max yield and potent ofc something like cheese or amnesia haze ?
these so many its hard to say? cheese is a good one. its best to look at seedbanks and threads and see what you like? hazes take a long time sometimes


Well-Known Member
hey man, How are the young girls doing?

how are you liking those new containers so far? do you have to water them more? or less?


Well-Known Member
I have another theory of

start the light pretty high (i have no certain height) but with my 180w i am going 30" because their stressed from the transplant. ok anyways start the light high and do not move it let the plants grow into it! reason why, these are strong and allot of us are coming from weak light like CFL and just blasting them with this light! if i lived in a cool dark place i would not like to just be thrown in a desert with the sum beaming on but the main thought of mine is that each NM or wavelength travels a certain distance some more and some less. so if we let out plants grow into the light and NOT lower them, the plants dont get blasted with all the wavelengths at once and the plant has time to adjust to and get use to each color and grow into the light at its own pace. plants are smart and if they dont like something they will try to avoid it, so lets stop trying to make the plants take what we want to give them and let the plants do what they feels is best is my thoughts. i will work my light to about 28" and let them be with just 1x180w then when i had more lights i will raise that light and do the same thing. the plant will harden its self off. i know a grower that is using the 180's and some of his plants love it at 38" so going higher isn't going to starve ur plants IMO. now i know most dont have allot of head room so my opinion would be to start the light as high as you can and just dont touch it let the plant do its thing and choose whats best for its self.
I will put this theory to the test! Good stuff man, good stuff.


Well-Known Member

yo what up irish i saw this and thought of your heat problem i dont have any testimonial on if it works good or not but i think it would do great in a small tent. cheers bro


Well-Known Member
subbed. Looking forward to see what happens. Thinking cool thoughts (heat be damned).
thanks brother. also nice to see you on here. need to get 600w of leds rolling for i can get back in the
hey man, How are the young girls doing?

how are you liking those new containers so far? do you have to water them more? or less?
bro the girls are doing amazing. just very green and growing nice and fast! their loving the light. i thought for sure that harsh transplant and the 101F would have screwed them since they were so young and small roots. nope taking it like a champ!

i love these pots, its hard to say how the watering is because its so hot ans i wasnt watering too heavy since they are so young, dont want to drown them, but i watered more last night so i will keep you posted.. i know their gonna dry out faster, but i have something for that!
lol, thats cool. when i was in my tent i use to see that.
I will put this theory to the test! Good stuff man, good stuff.

yo what up irish i saw this and thought of your heat problem i dont have any testimonial on if it works good or not but i think it would do great in a small tent. cheers bro
that theory is mainly for these high watt strong leds, 1w leds will be fine going lower.
i have looked into that setup but i need a chiller for that and need to run it out of the room. i might get a chiller for next year though


Well-Known Member
thanks brother. also nice to see you on here. need to get 600w of leds rolling for i can get back in the
I hope you are just kidding bro. You are always welcome. I've never run 600w in my life. 250, 400, 650, 800, 1000, but never 600, lol. Hell, there's a dude who hangs out who's using a 70w hps.

Wow, 101F... makes me feel better about my near cool 95f closet. Man I can't wait till winter.


Well-Known Member
girls are just doing killer, growth rates are just taking off. they are going threw hell also because of course right when i got them the summer heat has been very bad, girls are in 100F all day witch isnt too good for some baby rooted clones.

i fed them today with Dyna grow, sillica, and gave then some Bio-roots. i messed up and was a little heavy on the mix i think? hoping the heat dosent make that a issue? the added humic acid is what has me worried because of it makes things so available to the plants. wasn't thinking too good

i got my new 400 GPH pump and thinking next week i will on full automated bottom feeding. i should have to only need to change the res once a week, and the 1st feeding of every week will be top fed with organics: Mykos, humic acid and seaweed threw veg and when going into flowering their will be guano's (budswell) and Humboldt Honey ES. the whole week of bottom feeding will only be Dyna gro products. the top fed organics should help flush out any salts and keep things fresh. the auto bottom fed system is very simple and i think its going to be pretty effective specially with the fabric Geo pots. as of right now the girls are just amazing and healthy green.

my goal is to make a very simple setup where i only need to visit the girls once a week to change res and mess around.


Well-Known Member
bro the girls are doing amazing. just very green and growing nice and fast! their loving the light. i thought for sure that harsh transplant and the 101F would have screwed them since they were so young and small roots. nope taking it like a champ!

i love these pots, its hard to say how the watering is because its so hot ans i wasnt watering too heavy since they are so young, dont want to drown them, but i watered more last night so i will keep you posted.. i know their gonna dry out faster, but i have something for that!
that's great to hear!! sounds like a tough strain, with the roots tearing, and the heat. I apologize if you told me this in the past, but what is your humidity like?


Well-Known Member
I hope you are just kidding bro. You are always welcome. I've never run 600w in my life. 250, 400, 650, 800, 1000, but never 600, lol. Hell, there's a dude who hangs out who's using a 70w hps.

Wow, 101F... makes me feel better about my near cool 95f closet. Man I can't wait till winter.
thanks bro! to be honest i wasnt getting too many replies on my threads so i stopped posting here until these fine people brought me back. i still peek in their though
that's great to hear!! sounds like a tough strain, with the roots tearing, and the heat. I apologize if you told me this in the past, but what is your humidity like?
its in the 40% most time but it jumps all around sometimes 20% who


Active Member
Would you say that humidity isn't as important when using LEDs or are you just not concerned with it because it stays within acceptable limits for you?


Well-Known Member
Would you say that humidity isn't as important when using LEDs or are you just not concerned with it because it stays within acceptable limits for you?
to be honest ive just never cared about it or worried once. unless if i am flowering or drying and its very high.
View attachment 1756255irish do you know what this is and how to stop it?it only on 2 or 3 leafs right now,ive been feeding every 2 days cuz the soil seems dry
are you feeding foods or just whats in ur soils? it might be nute burn? what ur run off PH?
Looking forward to updates :)
i will get some up brother! i am worried and want you guys to think good karma for the girls these next two days are gonna be 108-110F..


Well-Known Member
im feeding
Flowering nute tea mix:
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
2/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup High P Guano (Indonesian or Jamaican)
5 tsp. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract
(That makes the "dry mix". You can make all you want and save it to use later.)
Mix with water @ 2 cups of dry mix into 5 gallons of water to make the tea.
To that 5 gallons of tea add:
5 tbs. Liquid Karma
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
Use it to water with EVERY watering.

and i havent been phing


Active Member
I have another theory of

start the light pretty high (i have no certain height) but with my 180w i am going 30" because their stressed from the transplant. ok anyways start the light high and do not move it let the plants grow into it! reason why, these are strong and allot of us are coming from weak light like CFL and just blasting them with this light! if i lived in a cool dark place i would not like to just be thrown in a desert with the sum beaming on but the main thought of mine is that each NM or wavelength travels a certain distance some more and some less. so if we let out plants grow into the light and NOT lower them, the plants dont get blasted with all the wavelengths at once and the plant has time to adjust to and get use to each color and grow into the light at its own pace. plants are smart and if they dont like something they will try to avoid it, so lets stop trying to make the plants take what we want to give them and let the plants do what they feels is best is my thoughts. i will work my light to about 28" and let them be with just 1x180w then when i had more lights i will raise that light and do the same thing. the plant will harden its self off. i know a grower that is using the 180's and some of his plants love it at 38" so going higher isn't going to starve ur plants IMO. now i know most dont have allot of head room so my opinion would be to start the light as high as you can and just dont touch it let the plant do its thing and choose whats best for its self.

I think you're onto something here. The plants that grew up to my light had no bleaching. When I had the light too low for all of them there was a little bleaching. I figure if the plants grow into the light as opposed to slamming it down on top of them, then it's fine.