IRISH outdoor growers helpline


lads just woundering when you shouldplant outside this year and what age should the plants be. did anyone everplant swiss miss orearly girl, what do ye did ye plant

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
lads just woundering when you shouldplant outside this year and what age should the plants be. did anyone everplant swiss miss orearly girl, what do ye did ye plant

If you put them out at the end of this month they should be fine

Richie LxP

Well-Known Member
thanks,i got swiss cheese . i'll start themin the window sill and stick them out then

Thats what i do, start on the sill. They do be a bit slow at first but as soon as it gets warmer and theres more hours of light in the days they should start growing very quickly. You should post in the irish growers thread, theres a few of us on there that do outdoor every year.

Shure let us know how you gettin on.
