Is 1100 ppm safe after 1 week veging?


Well-Known Member

is 1100 ppm safe after 1 week veging?

because according to fox farm it is what you are suppose to do.

I thought ppm was suppose to be a lot lower.

Can anyone help me understand this?

I read somewhere that you should start at something really low, like 200ppm. and work your way up slowly, while looking at your plants.

I started off at 1000ppm by accident(added too much nutes) and some of my plants really burnt to shit. so i dropped it down to 400-500ppm and they are doing better.

i think you should start way lower and work your way up but thats just my opinion


yea I have grown before with general hydro and I started at 150 actually and had great success but these nutes recomend a much higher amount.

I am just wondering if these nutes are different and actually need such a high ppm


Active Member
yea I have grown before with general hydro and I started at 150 actually and had great success but these nutes recomend a much higher amount.

I am just wondering if these nutes are different and actually need such a high ppm
NO after a week!

I am No expert but everyone here will say start slow! here is a table example that i use but add here and their

Seedlings 50-150 ppm
Un Rooted clones 100-350
Small Plants 400-800
Large Plants 900-1800
Last 1-2 Week of Flowering Water!


ok thats what I thought.

I do not actually have these fox farm nutes but my friend does and he says he is useing the fox farm graph
which recomends 1100-1250 after 1 week.
and so thats what he is doing.

I told him that seems way to high but he disagrees with me even though he is just starting.
his plants are growing so far. no yellowing but he does have some brown roots.

I told him normaly at this stage id recomend 150-250 ppm.

But he says it is because of the blend of nutes that is what allows it to go to 1000 without damaging anything.

He is completely incorect here rite?

he trust you people on this website for some reason so maybe you guys can talk some sense for him lol.


Well-Known Member
hmm they also have a res change every 2 weeks........ i keep my ppm at 400-600 the first 2 weeks then ill start adding the full dosages of nutes. IMO fox farm likes to set things a little too high, hell there ocean forest burns seedlings if you dont flush the soil in the first week or so.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yes that ppm is correct. i use Fox farm almost exclusivly for the last 6 years and I actually am above the charts ppm now that I have it dialed. In hydro follw the chart exactly and your fine. You asked about low ppms which you may have heard but that is other nutes. Like Flora uses a much lower rating for thier nutes around the 150 - 200 ppm levels. With Fox Farm they give you a low count to keep you safe but once you are used to them you can increase dosage to get maximum results but it sounds like your new so just follow thier feeding chart exactly and your good.Keep ph around 5.5- to 5.8. Its very very hard to burn plants with fox farm nutes you really would have to try to do it. i do reccomend a weekly res change though so you get the best results from the plants and dont risk any nutrient salt build up. Going lower then the chart will hurt yield and waste time as your not maxing the plants uptake.


ahhh ok so what allows fox farm to get its ppm so high?

I am confused.

does this mean fox farm is the bees knees when growing marijuanna?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Each nute maker has a different concintration level per part per million meaning each part may have a differnt amount of each element per million which means depending on concitration of the minerals varations in intensity is there. For me I love Fox Farm its my favorite of all nutes and I will always use it. Awesome results, very forgiving and price is excellent. Yields are top notch and its easy to use


Well-Known Member
NO after a week!

I am No expert but everyone here will say start slow! here is a table example that i use but add here and their

Seedlings 50-150 ppm
Un Rooted clones 100-350
Small Plants 400-800
Large Plants 900-1800
Last 1-2 Week of Flowering Water!
A fair breakdown of the avg. nute regimen.

Interesting stuff filthy.

I'm going to start giving my clones a bit more nutes.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
also forgot to mention make sure you follow the chart and levels for the way you grow. Fox Farm has different grow bigs for soil and hydro. the ratios are way different and so are the ppm levels


Well-Known Member
900ppm of Gh is what i do for the first week. I do 1-1-1 ratio. Works out perfectly. When week 4 hits your at about 1200-1400 and 1-2-3. I always split it up and do 600 ppm waterings


Well-Known Member
For my last 3 aeroponic grows I used FF and Botanicare in my outboard rez (non-recirculating): maintaining pH was a night mare. I am now suing DM Gold with zero pH issues