Hello. Growing indoors, in a basement, and during the winter. Temps drop to 55 at night and 65 lights on. I have grown the same strains during the summer and notice a long period of time waiting on amber in this cold. They are in great health, nice buds, and appear to be following their natural path as far as leaf dropping and yellowing of fans. Cola sugar leafs all dark purple to black. Trichomes 90% milky with some turning a golden <10% color. I'm just curious if I am waiting in vain? I have the time and patience if others have dealt with the cold weather waits and their ladies eventually fully matured. The buds are getting chunkier, so something is happening. Pistils all red/orange with the exception of a few tops close to light, and even then it is a tiny new growth. I am wondering if I had harvested too early previously, because I was going solely off pistils. Thanks for your insight.