is 8 pounds good?


Just some idiot
Even if the guy meant 8 ounces that would be great. Or maybe he weighed the pot that the plant was in and the whole plant after watering. He seemed pretty legit for a while there...


Just some idiot
I think they had fox farms back then...sheesh
And just imagine what worm casings looked like back then. I also heard that the Loch Ness monsters BMs could do something like that.

Funny thing is I heard he smoked the whole 8 lbs. in two minutes flat


Well-Known Member
Well a little background on the plant,it was vegged for six weeks,and the nutes were organic matter that my archaeologist friend found secured in the volcanic rock during one of his digs,we wanted to make sure that the plant was given nutrients that it was familiar with.I must fess up being new to growing i flowered only one week or im quite sure that the plant would of exceeded the far fetched story about 26.5 pounds from two flaslights and a picture of the sun.A little about the high,after smokeing the first bowl ive come to understand the true story behind the tower of babel,this shit really messes with your ability to talk in your native tounge,i had my son ask me were i learned hebrew,and i dont even know what a hebrew is,as for my buddy we found talked an antient egyption dialect,this was confirmed by an expert on ancient linguistics.What was amazeing was that niether of us could communicate with the one person who was not smokeing and only understood english.Thankfully this wore off after a few weeks and we were able to revert back to our native tongue.One side note for some reason i went out and bought a golden calf,and would stare at it for days.But i will flower longer next plant and i will be useing a 600 hps,my archeologist buddy has justed faxed me that he has been able to smuggle out some more nutes from a dig in india,we are both hopeing this is a stran that was thriveing in the region of what is now india,but i will keep reading here to learn better and new tmethods,thanks all and take care.


Well-Known Member
Dude thats funny haha.
i cant think of anything
i need more weed to get my creative side flowing.

glad my dealer lives down the road !!



Well-Known Member
That is right nongreenthumb the light was alot closer to the earth back then,thanks for the tip man.take care and play fair.


Just some idiot
Nevermind I found it, I have that light mover for the sun that I couldn't was in my old seed jar from the Messozoic era....short term memory loss


Well-Known Member
nah it's the dude who started the thread. :D
I thought you were talking about him, i skim read.


Just some idiot
It's good to see that they were using stainless steel pots back then. I like the picture it has some character.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the help arrid,but im already over my head with archaologsts,linguistic experts,now a matamitichian.Man i will feel very small amongst that group.