Is a C02 System Essential?


Active Member
Hey everyone,

I am planning in growing 1-2 plants in a compact bedroom closet, there is 1.5Metres of height and the plant is a 100% Indica so Im assuming that should be plenty, however I have been reading about people using CO2 pumps and seeing as the closet it compact and airtight I am wondering if it is a necessary investment for such a small amount of plants ( no more than 2 )

The closet will be reasonably airtight but I can open the door every couple of hours to refresh the air and seeing as the growing environment is a living area Im sure there will be sufficent CO2 in the air to sustain.

However I though it best to ask and research everything instead of making silly mistakes so am I right in thinking that there is no need for artifical CO2 sources or should I invest in one?

Thanks people!


Active Member
It wont be essential but it will definetly help your yield. You should do a search in the grow FAQ with diy c02.


Active Member
Thankyou, do you happen to know If using yeast to release CO2 and leaving it in the closet with the plant will harm it in any way?


Well-Known Member
yes, use it.....since ur closet is airtight, ur heat is gonna be on the high side....CO2 helps the plants deal with it....I've used it the last 2 weeks and my buds have gotten denser

I've been using the yeast method....haven't seen any problems with leaving it in there...I also have fans in there....make sure u keep an eye on ur plants though...CO2 speeds up growth.