Is a generatoer a safer idea than spiking your utility bill?

Been researching here for a while and gearing up to start growing in a month or 2. Id like to grow 2 pounds every 2 months. But i keep reading about how people get caught because the utility people gives that info to the cops. So im thinking a generator would be smarter and would keep me under the radar.

Alex Wayne

Having said that ,you can probably achieve 2 pounds every 2 months with zero veg from clones under 2x1000 watts which wouldn't spike your bill up that much


I think if you had 2 1000's you would have a hard time NOT pulling 2lbs every 2 months. If you are really worried about the electricity usage, run them opposite schedules, then you won't ever spike the electrical. Anyhow, you really are not talking all that large of a grow, i wouldnt worry about the power thing until you go above 2000 watts per room in the house.


Well-Known Member
Having said that ,you can probably achieve 2 pounds every 2 months with zero veg from clones under 2x1000 watts which wouldn't spike up your bill that much
yeah what he said. In British Columbia anyone using over 96 kwh/ day is flagged for inspection WITHOUT A SEARCH WARRANT. 2 1000 watters would use 24/kwh per day.
If your heating with electricity just turn off the heat in as many rooms as possible and cook with gas,
You can now buy a natural gas fueled fuel cell that would be ideal for going off the grid, they are expensive though.


Active Member
My friend has a bunch of kids and they always leave the lights on. Their bill for a 3 small 3 bedroom home is $700 a month. The guy isn't even growing anything.. So ya tell them your kids don't turn off the lights and T.V. and shit. Even if they ask, be sure to pay your bill or else they will get you involved with Leo but all he will do is knock on your door and ask if you'll fess up. If not they really don't have a reason to be there. If you're lights are going to create legal problems maybe you should shoot for a lower power consumption plan or maybe ramp it up slowly

Either that, or tell them you're running a small web host out of your home. That works also. Growing tomatoes is great also! :hump:

I wouldn't worry as long as you pay your bill.:mrgreen:


96 kw/h a day? When i first moved into my house (all electric) and had not insulated the crawlspace i had a month of 120 kw/h per day. Not any grow set up at all, just heating this place, water and cooking. Dropped it down so now running about 1500 watts of light 12 hours a day i still haven't touched it, no red flags for me.


Well-Known Member
I just made sure all my house lights are CFLs, I am a maniac about shutting everything off when not in use, and leaving nothing plugged in that shouldn't be, and my bill only increased 33% with 2 1000W lights and 750W (375W draw) of LED. It should have doubled, but saving electricity use = compensating for the grow energy. Also grow or no grow, its a good habit.


Well-Known Member
As long as you pay your bill on time, I doubt they'll say anything. I'd be more worried about the heat signature of a grow like that than anything. The fact that heat signatures aren't grounds for securing a warrant doesn't mean shit IMO. If they want to come after you, they WILL find a way. Plus, anyone that needs that much dope in such a short period of time is obviously selling it (unless you're a total dopehead), and I'd be even more worried about selling than electricity and heat signatures combined. I've never sold anything and never would whether I grew it or not.

No Tell + No Sell + No Smell = NO CELL
Yea the heat and smell where going to be my next questions. Im glad to see my bills wont increase that much so it doesnt look like it will kill me trying to do this. I guess all i need to worry about now is where to clones, the whole set up and how to get rid of the smell and hide the heat. Thanks fellas. And yes id like to sell it. This is not toys for tots.