is a hermi worth keeping??


so i got this plant that is about 16 days into flowering and it is a hermi. i just wanted to know if it is worth the effort to finish it out or just chop it down and start over??


Well-Known Member
so i got this plant that is about 16 days into flowering and it is a hermi. i just wanted to know if it is worth the effort to finish it out or just chop it down and start over??
Chop and start over. Sorry man.....been there. Get rid of it, it's an abomination!!!!:fire:


Well-Known Member
I forgot to add....make sure it's a hermie before you chop. Don't want to assume anything.


Active Member
well u will get bud ok, but not near the amount if it was just a girl prob best to start an other one or two up to u thro :) you really only have in flower 2 weeks would be a diffrent story if it was like 5 weeks

but up to you bro :)


Well-Known Member
No. Don't chop a hermie. Are you kidding? As long as it's not mixed in with other females that it could fertilize, save it. You'll get weak bud which you can make hash out of and you'll get a good supply of seeds


Well-Known Member
just chop it.,.,to much trouble for sumn ure not gona smoke.,.,yes u will be able to make hash but.,.idk.that sucks u should be able to smoke the finished product at its highest ites imho.,.,high grade or fail to me


Well-Known Member
yeah. Obviously a hermie isn't ideal, but he's already 16 days into flowering. He might as well follow through with it and smoke the hash which will get you higher than any bud


Active Member
i grew out some hermies and one had very few balls so i cloned it and none of the 10 plants ive grown from that clone have had any hermie problems ? also i picked off any balls i saw the first time round that might have helped.


Well-Known Member
If you do keep it be vigilant, i had a hermi that 1st made balls, which i spent ages plucking off, only to have the plant start making bananas instead! Almost missed it. The end product was awful.


Active Member
dont chop it! my first grow turned hermie b/c i didnt know what i was doing. i let the 3 plants grow b/c it was still cool to be growing my own. anyway, i didnt get a lot of bud but it is an awesome smoke, great high. i cant imagine what this would have been like full female. its almost as potent as my dealers hydro. grow it man, grow it.


Well-Known Member
its a genetic hermie or stress hermie? dont kill it, just start some new plants in your seperate veg chamber and let this one finish while pulling any bananas as soon as you see them, check over the plant 1 a day. it will be fine if you get em all. might stress em a lil bit and take away a lil potency but making seeds would take away a lot more.