is all Tincture sublingual...


Are all tinctures able to be put on the sublingual gland or are there certain ones that you have to take orally? Ive been reading alot of methods for making Tincture and many of them dont specify where to put the drops and how much to use (I know that depends on the strength of the tincture but there has to be a rough estimate out there?)


Well-Known Member
There are lots of tinctures you can just plain ingest. Tinctures made with vegetable glycerin can be mixed into teas, juices, water, coffee and can even be flavored. Or just plain swallowing a dropper full will suffice.


Well-Known Member
the alcohol specific ones are good for sublingual.

I however have NEVER had a tincture truly work sublingually....

most times I hear of tincture 'working' its with people who swallowed it after holding it in their moutn temporarily and they get high in like a half hour (which is not via sublingual.)

so maybe someone who's had hella experience with good tinctures can telll you, but all I can say is that it wasn't worth itand from what I've heard there aren't people getting straight blasted off of sublingual processed THC.... I hear of interesting highs that aren't very intense but nothing worth all the trouble imo.


Well-Known Member
I'm making a tincture tonight with 190 proof everclear :D I'll post tomorrow if it works sublingually and if so, how long for effects and dose.

I think I'll be using around an oz of ground up herb and 10oz liquor using a crock pot for a water bath.


im going to make some too, using 95% everclear and letting it sit, just gotta get ahold of the herb. I will try it both oral and sublingual, either way its not like i'm going to have a bad time!
thanks for the input.


Well-Known Member
be very thorough and good luck!
I didnt get around to it last night, maybe tonight.

im going to make some too, using 95% everclear and letting it sit, just gotta get ahold of the herb. I will try it both oral and sublingual, either way its not like i'm going to have a bad time!
thanks for the input.
Good luck man, though I suggest doing the hot tek where you put your jar in a hot water bath to speed the process. Can be done in 30 mins instead of 2 weeks and have higher potency.


Well-Known Member
I didnt get around to it last night, maybe tonight.

Good luck man, though I suggest doing the hot tek where you put your jar in a hot water bath to speed the process. Can be done in 30 mins instead of 2 weeks and have higher potency.
I've heard that no matter what you do, the long wait tincture is always more potent. the main pro's to the way you're doing it is more potency vs plant matter and other contaiminants..


Well-Known Member
Really... huh. Well, I got too baked again last night after we had some company over so maybe tonight :lol:

Would you recommend doing it the long way or in the hot water bath?


Well-Known Member
Really... huh. Well, I got too baked again last night after we had some company over so maybe tonight :lol:

Would you recommend doing it the long way or in the hot water bath?
the most failsafe method is the long way...

if you feel that you got your shit down you can do the water bath with good success. the 100% safe method is the long wait tho.


Well-Known Member
This is my first time making it, far from having it down, lol. My wife doesnt like smoking all that much so I thought this might be a good alternative. I'll go ahead and give this method a shot. Maybe after my next harvest Ill throw some everclear in with all the trim and leave it for a month :)


Well-Known Member
I've used the water bath method and 186 proof alcohol successfully. 2-3 droppers full was good for a nighttime go to sleep dose. Keep it away from light.


Well-Known Member
I've used the water bath method and 186 proof alcohol successfully. 2-3 droppers full was good for a nighttime go to sleep dose. Keep it away from light.
yeah but are you talkin swallowing that shit to get high or did you successfully get high sublingually?

dropper fulls sound like you were swallowing it...