Is anyone here in a Stoner Relationship?


Well-Known Member
Until Mexico solves its criminals running/ruining the government problem, I'm not going to visit. Too many other nicer places to go!
I had an amazing time in San Blas. It's a wee little town about 2 hours from Puerto Vallarta.

There were NO problems there.

In PV a bell hop and security guard shook down my friend and I for weed. And cops tried to throw us in jail for the same thing, except they really just wanted 50.00.

Truth is, we didn't look like people that had extra money. We were sitting outside a D-Bag bar that we refused to pay 20 bucks to go into and hang out with Jersey Shore. So we smoked a j outside to make a game plan. And the cops thought we looked like easy targets.

It worked out fine. I ate the joint and we refused to give them any money. Then, when they were threatening to throw us in prison I had one last trick up my sleeve. I cried. I cried loud and hard and made a scene. I was "inconsolable". The cops were embarrassed and tried to calm me down by calling me sweetie and telling me that everything was going to be ok. They asked my friend to take me home.

Then we walked around the corner and went to a really cool jazz bar. hahah

I had never used crying to get out of anything before. And never since. But DAMN it works well!


Off to the gym. Later lovely people!


Well-Known Member
well this threads pretty safe..

wait in before close!

no but really, what did yiu have in mind ttystikk, gimme something besides just a country yiu mentioned earlier. id say you have pretty ok taste.

i love mexico, well parts, but definitely biased.

yes im off too. ive been laying around all day though really doing nothing


Well-Known Member
Nope, can't stand women who smoke. Any females who puff regularly at my age (late 20's) are either legitimately insane or extremely immature. I'm still waiting to be proved wrong, but my current live-in GF doesn't smoke anymore and I couldn't deal with her if she still did.


Staff member
You grow and smoke but don't believe women should and if they do they're"insane or immature"?
he didnt say that, he said the women hes met within his age group are insane or immature.

i know exactly what women hes referring too, theres plenty of them, they are the type of women who dont have their priorities straight in life, cant hold down a job, and focus on smoking a shit ton of weed and drinking alot of booze party party party

he just hasnt met the right woman who can be a mature responsible adult who has her shit together while enjoying marijuana


Well-Known Member
You grow and smoke but don't believe women should and if they do they're"insane or immature"?
I said that women who are my age and regularly smoke pot (i.e. women who are vocal and public about their smoking) are typically crazy or immature. Did I need to add "in my experience" to clarify or did you just assume that I have met every female cannabis user in her late 20's?


Well-Known Member
he didnt say that, he said the women hes met within his age group are insane or immature.

i know exactly what women hes referring too, theres plenty of them, they are the type of women who dont have their priorities straight in life, cant hold down a job, and focus on smoking a shit ton of weed and drinking alot of booze party party party

he just hasnt met the right woman who can be a mature responsible adult who has her shit together while enjoying marijuana
Well to be fair, I did say "still waiting to be proven wrong."


Well-Known Member
he didnt say that, he said the women hes met within his age group are insane or immature.

i know exactly what women hes referring too, theres plenty of them, they are the type of women who dont have their priorities straight in life, cant hold down a job, and focus on smoking a shit ton of weed and drinking alot of booze party party party

he just hasnt met the right woman who can be a mature responsible adult who has her shit together while enjoying marijuana
No, that's not what he said, "Any females who puff regularly at my age (late 20's) are either legitimately insane or extremely immature" it's pretty clear he feels female smokers are fuck ups while male smokers are fine.


Staff member
No, that's not what he said, "Any females who puff regularly at my age (late 20's) are either legitimately insane or extremely immature" it's pretty clear he feels female smokers are fuck ups while male smokers are fine.
youre being too overly literal for the sake of wanting to argue lol its pretty clear he was speaking from his experience


Well-Known Member
No, that's not what he said, "Any females who puff regularly at my age (late 20's) are either legitimately insane or extremely immature" it's pretty clear he feels female smokers are fuck ups while male smokers are fine.
No, sunni was pretty on point, that's exactly what I meant. I usually make my points pretty clearly, but in this case you're being so pedantic that maybe I needed to clarify that "any females who puff regularly at my age WHO I HAVE MET are either legitimately insane or extremely immature." I'll try to be more clear in the future, that should save you the trouble of imagining that I said something completely different and then getting your panties in a wad about it.