Is Apartment Growing a Bad Idea ?? 1 - 3 plants

is it safe to grow in an apartment?

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Active Member
good question, idk.
honestly, when i need to smoke in stealth i use my DIY carbon filter. Its an inline fan that blows into a tube with the carbon filter wrapped around it (the tub is made of mesh) and a cap on the end. Generally i pull through the filter but when i smoke, i reverse the an to blow into the filter, and use it as a sploof ( i think thats what they are called) the smoke gets sucked right up and never comes out the other side. 100% effective (if u use a bong, set it near the bowl). every highschool kids dream.

to be honest thats the only expieriance i have, and i only use it so i dont stink up my parents house out of respect, and im not back home often. I just dont really hide my smoking :/


Active Member
if i had to guess i would say it wouldnt be affective after more thought. heres my reasoning...
smoke... holy shit man, SO many particles there, the ozone would be reacting with the smoke as fast as it was generated... plus idk what chemicals make the smell, the smell may come from a very small portion of gasses and smoke (meaning not all the smoke may smell) and u cant be selective over what to attack with an ozone... so no i dont think it would work, just not enough production. Honestly, if ur ozone COULD handle that, u may be approuching dangerous ozone levels.
yeah that makes sense.. im not too worried about it .. but if it worked why not use it ya know?

that setup sound like a good idea tho for when i do need to be discreet


Well-Known Member
I got my last apartment for the sole purpose of growing. 2 harvests in a 6 mo lease.
ran 2000w both times. bedroom for flower kitchen for veg bathroom for clones.
next time, i'll do it in a grow tent, with co2. and an extra light ;]

used a 12" inline hooked up to a huuuge carbon scrubber. it worked nice.


Well-Known Member
i grow in my apartment but only 1-2 girls each time in a 19qt container (dwc). and in my apartments i have a yearly inspection. but in my case i have it setup in my pantry room that is very easy to take apart. i put up some extra shelves so theres more room to put groceries on top and underneath i used the wall that was already up and then for the other wall i used poly panels and made it into a wall with four in/out oc fans for cooling. so whenever i have maintenence come over i simply tranfer everything into the master room and put up a sign that says "please do not disturb for i work graveyard shift and i am sleeping, thanks have a great day" and lock the door. as a matter a fact i had maintenance come here about five days ago and its exactly what i did. and they didnt see nothing. but yeah man be very careful bro thats all i can say and if you can let them know that you dont want no one inside your house unless you are there. and also have them call you before they come in. i do.

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member

When I was reading about light, I thought of a carpet/ moving blanket (to cover up the cracks by the locker door). Then when the discussion turned to smell I thought of this. The Spouse and I giggle whenever this commercial comes on. Perhaps it's a (partial) answer to both of your problems?
As I said before, this might be stupid. But, it's an idea. At this point it's all about ideas right? Good luck either way dude. ;-)

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I put maybe, because it's fine, as long as you pay super attention to odor control, AND use a LOCKING STEALTH cabinet. Here, take a look at mine. These are fairly easy to build, and would be fine in an apartment, as long as you choose a low odor strain and pay attention to odor control.

When i used to grow in an apartment, i would ventilate through the 4" dryer exhaust, which let out far above people's noses. As long as i vented out for at least an hour a day, odor was no problem.


Well-Known Member
I just finished growing 2 White Widow and 2 AK-48s. I live in a small apartment and my grow is on a bookshelf in my walk in closet. I just started 4 more this week. It's plenty for me.:lol:
yeah csi .. my main concern is odor control... im shooting for a little bit of overkill lol ... i was thinkin about a locker that big but i didnt know how i would explain it... how do you get away with it

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
From what i've found, unless you are living with someone else, then growing in an apartment is no different than any other place. If there's someone else in the flat though, things can get mighty complicated :D


Active Member
I lived in an apartment complex for three years. On 4 separate occasions I came home to a note attached to my door stating that maintenance had been there. Two of the times they had a good reason, once there was a leak in the apartment above and they wanted to make sure it didn't come through the floor, and the other someone smelled smoke and they could not tell where it was coming from. But there were other more silly ones like changing furnace filters etc. But atleast they left a note, when I rented a duplex from a landlord, the only clue I would have that someone had been there was bootprints on my carpet.

If someone sees your grow nothing good can come of it. They can:
A) Call the police
B) Blackmail you or they will call the police
C) Rip you off
D) Get two of their friends and do a home invasion when they know your crop is ripe (not like your gonna call the cops)
E) At the VERY LEAST they will want cheap smoke.

I dont even tell my friends that I grow, that way when they want some they pay retail, plus I don't have to worry about them running their mouths. My only other advice is: dont do a co-op, grow only what you can afford by yourself and make it as stealthy as possible.