Is Biden really that bad?

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Russian imperialism caused most of these issues, not our response to it.

Did he invade Ukraine and drive up food and fuel prices?
Did he bring on covid or even mismanage it?
Seems the Chinese had a thing or two to do with that.
Is he doing everything he can to mitigate the food crises?
Who is using food for a weapon?
Did he pull out of Afghanistan and try to limit American imperial adventures?
Is he backing up nervous allies in the Pacific and Australia, they already shifted the main focus from Ukraine to the Pacific.
Is he trying to dissuade China from reckless imperialism by invading Taiwan?

BTW we get most of the worlds advanced semiconductors from Taiwan, the processor in your computer was probably made there and maybe the motherboard too. America is trying to onshore chip making at a furious pace, along with other critical industries.
He has gotten America and the world involved with east Salvs affairs which trump wouldnt of done. So yes Biden has driven up shortages and prices.
Covid was around before he was Prez
No concrete proof they were as far as ive seen but again before Bidens time as Prez
IDK, is he?
Every army ever
Trump created the withdrawal from the illegal invasion of Afghanistan
No, not really. If he had of done then we wouldn't see Samoa signing defence packs with China, especially when American Samoa is literally next door. Biden and his predecessors have been extremely slack there, as has Australia.
He can try as much as he likes about Taiwan, sooner or later China will take its island back. Took them awhile but they got Hong Kong back. Might be next year or it might be 300 years time but China has always said they will reclaim it. Not worth starting another Ukraine over is it?
He has gotten America and the world involved with east Salvs affairs which trump wouldnt of done. So yes Biden has driven up shortages and prices.
Covid was around before he was Prez
No concrete proof they were as far as ive seen but again before Bidens time as Prez
IDK, is he?
Every army ever
Trump created the withdrawal from the illegal invasion of Afghanistan
No, not really. If he had of done then we wouldn't see Samoa signing defence packs with China, especially when American Samoa is literally next door. Biden and his predecessors have been extremely slack there, as has Australia.
He can try as much as he likes about Taiwan, sooner or later China will take its island back. Took them awhile but they got Hong Kong back. Might be next year or it might be 300 years time but China has always said they will reclaim it. Not worth starting another Ukraine over is it?
Actually China wanting Taiwan back is imperialism, what do the people of Taiwan want? It is no different than Ukraine. You see us humans need a sense of morality, it helps us to survive, in fact it is essential for human existence. The UN charter provides the right of self determination and you either support a rules based system or you are for chaos. We use two means to enforce this system of now global rules, the UN, which is ineffective mostly because of Russian veto power and the economic world that was created after the second world war of deliberate interdependence and global free trade that no country can survive without. Russia and the rest of us are suffering, because those wise rules are being applied to Russia's arse with a big fucking stick, they are suffering far more than we. In war sacrifices have to be made, even so far a laying down your life for the tribe to survive.
Actually China wanting Taiwan back is imperialism, what do the people of Taiwan want? It is no different than Ukraine. You see us humans need a sense of morality, it helps us to survive, in fact it is essential for human existence. The UN charter provides the right of self determination and you either support a rules based system or you are for chaos. We use two means to enforce this system of now global rules, the UN, which is ineffective mostly because of Russian veto power and the economic world that was created after the second world war of deliberate interdependence and global free trade that no country can survive without. Russia and the rest of us are suffering, because those wise rules are being applied to Russia's arse with a big fucking stick, they are suffering far more than we. In war sacrifices have to be made, even so far a laying down your life for the tribe to survive.
Imperialism and nationalism is what the world has always run on.
Imperialism and nationalism is what the world has always run on.
Well the idea is to change that and liberal democracy is the only way forward, there is no other, it can lead to socialism, if technology allows it and there is every indication it will. Machines will do the work and much of the thinking.
Well the idea is to change that and liberal democracy is the only way forward, there is no other, it can lead to socialism, if technology allows it and there is every indication it will. Machines will do the work and much of the thinking.
Liberal Democrats? No thanks. Why would i want my country to drift further to the right? Liberal Democrats didn't do very well here at all in the federal election last week. Less than 2% of the vote. The rise of the right around the world is scary.
Liberal Democrats? No thanks. Why would i want my country to drift further to the right? Liberal Democrats didn't do very well here at all in the federal election last week. Less than 2% of the vote. The rise of the right around the world is scary.
By liberal democrat I mean I support liberty and democracy, not a specific Australian political party's ideology. Liberal democracy means democratic elections, legislatures and the rule of law under the constitution of ones country.
Russian imperialism caused most of these issues, not our response to it.

Did he invade Ukraine and drive up food and fuel prices?
Did he bring on covid or even mismanage it?
Seems the Chinese had a thing or two to do with that.
Is he doing everything he can to mitigate the food crises?
Who is using food for a weapon?
Did he pull out of Afghanistan and try to limit American imperial adventures?
Is he backing up nervous allies in the Pacific and Australia, they already shifted the main focus from Ukraine to the Pacific.
Is he trying to dissuade China from reckless imperialism by invading Taiwan?

BTW we get most of the worlds advanced semiconductors from Taiwan, the processor in your computer was probably made there and maybe the motherboard too. America is trying to onshore chip making at a furious pace, along with other critical industries.
Fucking Americans can't fucking read or comprehend or understand anything about the state of the economy Worldwide since Covid struck & combined with Russian aggression has had Gobal implications & all the idiots in this country are blaming the increase in gas/food/rent/ home prices/inflation that is happening fucking everywhere on the Planet Earth on Biden

What the fuck?

And the Republicans will make it all go away?

I need a drink ,

Fuck sobriety.

What could Biden do to make you happy?
Make us energy independent. Don’t we have all the gas we need in Alaska we can tap into… the biggest reserve on the planet. He needs to repair every single road in America . THe InFA structure !!!! I am sick and tired of riding my bicycle on these Fucked Up roads!
Make us energy independent. Don’t we have all the gas we need in Alaska we can tap into… the biggest reserve on the planet. He needs to repair every single road in America . THe InFA structure !!!! I am sick and tired of riding my bicycle on these Fucked Up roads!
Get enough democrats at his back and shit might happen, otherwise your reproductive rights will be the priority for the GOP, not the roads. No meaningful change will happen in America until the democrats win enough of a majority in the senate or house, the republicans will block everything, it's how cold civil wars are fought. Only I can fix it remember, you have two choices, the democrats or fascists under the control of the dregs of society and Trump. It's as simple a choice as suicide or life.
Make us energy independent. Don’t we have all the gas we need in Alaska we can tap into… the biggest reserve on the planet. He needs to repair every single road in America . THe InFA structure !!!! I am sick and tired of riding my bicycle on these Fucked Up roads!

We are energy independent

Oil imports and exports - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Read my friend & don't believe a fucking word the Republicans spew out their asses.

Oh yea, all this occurred under Biden by the way

Holy fuck, Batman!!!!!

One more note

Those cocksucking Republicans have fought tooth & nail against every fucking Green energy program advanced by Biden.

Expain that
We are energy independent

Oil imports and exports - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)

Read my friend & don't believe a fucking word the Republicans spew out their asses.

Oh yea, all this occurred under Biden by the way

Holy fuck, Batman!!!!!

One more note

Those cocksucking Republicans have fought tooth & nail against every fucking Green energy program advanced by Biden.

Expain that
How about building more energy efficient damns to help the water crisis?
Get enough democrats at his back and shit might happen, otherwise your reproductive rights will be the priority for the GOP, not the roads. No meaningful change will happen in America until the democrats win enough of a majority in the senate or house, the republicans will block everything, it's how cold civil wars are fought. Only I can fix it remember, you have two choices, the democrats or fascists under the control of the dregs of society and Trump. It's as simple a choice as suicide or life.
The republicans are shooting themselves in the foot when it comes to womans
Rights and the second amendment. People have had enough violence and misogyny with womens rights.
You made me laugh.

Self-determination does not come from a piece of paper put together by people who want to control other peaceful people.

I am all for individual self-determination, because that is the only kind that is rightful.
It was meant for nations of people, not individuals. Your problem is a group will always overcome the individual, individuals have no rights, groups give their individuals rights, If you were a member of the mafia and fucked up badly, don't expect a fair trial. your group would just put a bullet in your head. Like wise if you were tending your garden in a magic zone of freedom a local warlord would arise and he would own your land and you would be his slave. If your community organized however it might be able to resist the warlord and his men by their collective cooperative action, you out on your farm, the rugged individual, would be the first one fucked and they would use you as a beast of burden and fuck your wife.
How about building more energy efficient damns to help the water crisis?
not to be rude but hydro damns have been terrible on the wildlife ecological systems and ruining habitats for a lot of animals. I do agree we need more green power which is going to happen sooner or later. the biggest problem with hdyro is the water is people are using it inefficiently and emptying lakes.
A little side note look into the hoover dam.
not to be rude but hydro damns have been terrible on the wildlife ecological systems and ruining habitats for a lot of animals. I do agree we need more green power which is going to happen sooner or later. the biggest problem with hdyro is the water is people are using it inefficiently and emptying lakes.
A little side note look into the hoover dam.
People are always going to overuse or misuse or be greedy about using water so we have to compensate for it. It’s gotten so bad and not complying to demands the animals will have to suffer
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