Is Biden really that bad?

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I like alot of Pro-Trump dudes as they generally have alot of Liberty minded ideals and are usually quite moral people
Man, I'm crying right now on my keyboard from laughing so hard at that thought.

That's some funny shit

Moral people?

Over half of his inner circle has been indited &/or convicted of felonies & I'm not even going to mention the deaths/murders that can be directly attributed to Trump's "Liberty minded/moral" supporters.

I guess part of their liberty mindset included trying to subvert the will of the American people, which they still insist to this fucking day was the right thing to do.

Trump supporters suck & basically they were at the forefront of my limited brain when I started that thread about how fucking dumb the American people are.

They were my inspiration
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I guess it is a matter of how you look at it. When trump was president EVERYTHING!!! Was cheaper... I could afford to buy things like food and gas... Unemployment was at an all time low. The economy was great! Our country was energy independent for the most part.... We didn't have illegals flooding our southern border by the thousands. We didn't have a war being waged in Europe... Dude, watch Sky News in Australia. Even the Aussies half way around the world realize Biden and his administration is a joke. They promote people to positions they aren't qualified for based on the color of their skin, their gender, or their sexual preference. They blame trump and racism for everything.
Was it the huge tax breaks he gave himself, his donors and corporations, eliminating clean air and water regulations, or separating children from their families? It was the cruelty of family separation that drew you to him, wasn't it?
When trump was president EVERYTHING!!! Was cheaper..
Duh, maybe Covid wasn't an issue yet?

But it sure as fuck became a MAJOR issue by the time that douchebag left office (& fucked Biden in the process) because he did fuck all to prevent it from spreading

Actually he made it worse by telling citizens that injecting bleach/light into their bodies would be effective (that was typical Trumpwad) & gutting the Infectious disease programs that Obama had dedicated money to.

That pig is a fucking murderer in my opinion & anyone that supports him (except you of course/your special) is a fucking fool.

Listen to that idiot say he was being "sarcastic" while speaking before the American public on national TV, giving them some fucked up vision of hope in a FUCKING PANDEMIC!!!!!

And you like this guy?

Jesus fucking Christ
Debate you?

It's apparent you are set in your beliefs & it would be like me debating a rock.

I don't have the time or the inclination.
Well if you aren't the pot calling the kettle black. At least I present some resemblance of an argument. Your argument is to just be a smart ass, and making ignorant comments like keep drinking the koolaid. You make these kind of comments because you have nothing else. You can't present any kind of argument or facts that prove what you believe... Because you just believe what you are told to believe... Orange man bad.... The fact is that gas prices were lower when trump was president because trump and his administration put things in place to help lower gas prices. And the minute Biden took office they started to repeal everything trump did... And... Gas prices went back up. They want gas prices up. It is easier for Dems to push a green energy narrative if they can push up the cost of fossil fuels. Don't get me wrong. I'm all for green energy if it's really green and really renewable. But most options aren't really as green as they say they are.

That POS eliminated my ability to write-off my mortage interest & reduced what my wife, a teacher, could receive as tax credits.

I paid more this year AFTER his Tax bill than I ever fucking have, more than fucking Amazon

Fuck his Tax breaks

I saw shit
Was it the huge tax breaks he gave himself, his donors and corporations, eliminating clean air and water regulations, or separating children from their families? It was the cruelty of family separation that drew you to him, wasn't it?
Hey man... If you are going to go all "kids in cages" on me, just remember Biden and Obama built those cages. And it wasn't the tax breaks for corporations. I know this may shock you... But I actually got to keep more money out of each paycheck. Maybe it has something to do with the abundance of food at the grocery store, or the low cost of gas... Maybe it was record low unemployment numbers or record high employment numbers of minorities. Maybe it was because trump said what he meant even if you didn't like it, instead of Dems trying to divide us into separate little groups. Maybe I don't like government telling me to wear a mask or telling me what family members I can have over for the holidays. Maybe I don't like my political officials acting like Nazis. Trying to limit what I can say and do...

all the liberals were treating trump like Covid was his fault... Did Biden do any better? And he had a vaccine from the moment he took office...
trump lied and hid shit at the beginning of the pandemic. he gave out horrendous advice, against his own experts, and refused to take a hard line with whining cunts who cried about having to wear a mask...Biden inherited trump's epicly fucked up covid policy...but yeah, blame Biden, that's what whining cunts do...
Duh, maybe Covid wasn't an issue yet?

But it sure as fuck became a MAJOR issue by the time that douchebag left office (& fucked Biden in the process) because he did fuck all to prevent it from spreading

Actually he made it worse by telling citizens that injecting bleach/light into their bodies would be effective (that was typical Trumpwad) & gutting the Infectious disease programs that Obama had dedicated money to.

That pig is a fucking murderer in my opinion & anyone that supports him (except you of course/your special) is a fucking fool.

Listen to that idiot say he was being "sarcastic" while speaking before the American public on national TV, giving them some fucked up vision of hope in a FUCKING PANDEMIC!!!!!

And you like this guy?

Jesus fucking Christ
Can you provide me with a video clip where trump told people to inject themselves with bleach? Or are you just spewing misinformation?
A coup? Name me 1 time in human history where someone overthrew the government with a couple thousand people who were unarmed? Don't make me laugh. If the crazy trump voters really wanted to attempt a coup... Do you think we would really only send a few hundred unarmed people? We have more guns than the government. And we may not have a college degree in gender studies but we are smarter than that. You sheep will believe anything the government tells you. If the trump voters wanted to try to overthrow the government, we would have been there in the tens of thousands armed to the teeth for a war!
that would have been horrifically stupid on your part...the national guard would have been called in, you would have been cleaned out with tear gas and fire hoses, and the ones of you stupid enough to fire on the national guard would have been mowed the criminals you were. too bad you all didn't, we would have many hundreds if not thousands less of you to clean up after
trump lied and hid shit at the beginning of the pandemic. he gave out horrendous advice, against his own experts, and refused to take a hard line with whining cunts who cried about having to wear a mask...Biden inherited trump's epicly fucked up covid policy...but yeah, blame Biden, that's what whining cunts do...
Well are you well spoken and respectful. Dropping insanity left and right. I wouldn't have expected anything less from a Biden supporter. I suppose you were one of the sheep wearing a mask and getting all the booster shots? :blsmoke::peace:
that would have been horrifically stupid on your part...the national guard would have been called in, you would have been cleaned out with tear gas and fire hoses, and the ones of you stupid enough to fire on the national guard would have been mowed the criminals you were. too bad you all didn't, we would have many hundreds if not thousands less of you to clean up after
Really? Then where was the national guard and tear gas and hoses on the day of this so called "insurrection?" According to you, an angry mob of terrorist Trump supporters tried to overthrow the government... But nobody called in the national guard? :hump::hump::hump:
I guess it is a matter of how you look at it. When trump was president EVERYTHING!!! Was cheaper... I could afford to buy things like food and gas... Unemployment was at an all time low. The economy was great! Our country was energy independent for the most part.... We didn't have illegals flooding our southern border by the thousands. We didn't have a war being waged in Europe... Dude, watch Sky News in Australia. Even the Aussies half way around the world realize Biden and his administration is a joke. They promote people to positions they aren't qualified for based on the color of their skin, their gender, or their sexual preference. They blame trump and racism for everything.
trump inherited the good economy of Obama, and fucked it over for four years, then handed the gasping corpse to Biden...who is keeping it alive with incredible, unappreciated efforts...i almost wish trump had won a decond term, so all of his idiotic landmines could have blown up all over him, instead of on the hardworking, honest, decent man who is trying his best to pull us out of trump's manure pile of a legacy
trump inherited the good economy of Obama, and fucked it over for four years, then handed the gasping corpse to Biden...who is keeping it alive with incredible, unappreciated efforts...i almost wish trump had won a decond term, so all of his idiotic landmines could have blown up all over him, instead of on the hardworking, honest, decent man who is trying his best to pull us out of trump's manure pile of a legacy
Yeah ok... Good economy of Obama... That's a joke! Do you even have a job? Seriously I can't take you even remotely seriously if you are going to say ridiculous things like that. :lol::lol::lol:

Wait.. hardworking, honest, descent man... You can't be serious? You talking about the guy who used his political office to get his son out of trouble? They guy is on China's payroll man.... His son is a freaking crackhead! The guy lies about things all the time!
Really? Then where was the national guard and tear gas and hoses on the day of this so called "insurrection?" According to you, an angry mob of terrorist Trump supporters tried to overthrow the government... But nobody called in the national guard? :hump::hump::hump:
there was a response from the national guard...
you think the fucking insurrectionist rioters went home on their own? they got chased the fuck out once the actual authorities got to the crime scene...quit listening to steve bannon and joe rogan, ffs
Yeah ok... Good economy of Obama... That's a joke! Do you even have a job? Seriously I can't take you even remotely seriously if you are going to say ridiculous things like that. :lol::lol::lol:

Wait.. hardworking, honest, descent man... You can't be serious? You talking about the guy who used his political office to get his son out of trouble? They guy is on China's payroll man.... His son is a freaking crackhead! The guy lies about things all the time!
i haven't been taking you seriously at all,'re a magat troll, trying to pwn libs...and failing at it miserably. like all magats, you have the roles of trump and Biden reversed...we're still dealing with the fallout of trump's policies, and lack of policies....his appointments to important posts of golfing buddies, major contributors, and his completely unqualified and inbred family, his packing of the supreme court with racist, sexist bigots, his attempted dissolution of NATO, his withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris agreement, his sucking the dicks of kim jong un and will take 20 years to get over trump's four years.
Well how about you enlighten me? What is my simple mind missing?View attachment 5145428
well, it's like this sparkles....the pipeline wasn't ever going to carry gas, at all, period. it was for low grade tar sand oil that would be turned into fuel oil for generators and heavy lubricants...and if it had gone forward, it wouldn't have been online till next please explain to me what keystone xl had to do with oil prices?....i can explain it to you....NOTHING...not one single fucking all your facebook meme buddies are just as fucking dumb as you, and you're getting your info from them?...... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
i haven't been taking you seriously at all,'re a magat troll, trying to pwn libs...and failing at it miserably. like all magats, you have the roles of trump and Biden reversed...we're still dealing with the fallout of trump's policies, and lack of policies....his appointments to important posts of golfing buddies, major contributors, and his completely unqualified and inbred family, his packing of the supreme court with racist, sexist bigots, his attempted dissolution of NATO, his withdrawing the U.S. from the Paris agreement, his sucking the dicks of kim jong un and will take 20 years to get over trump's four years.
Annoying/tedious motherfucker, ain't he?

I am debating with myself as to whether or not I should try to enlighten or put him/she/it on ignore.

Fuck it

Life's too short

Ignore it is.
Annoying/tedious motherfucker, ain't he?

I am debating with myself as to whether or not I should try to enlighten or put him/she/it on ignore.

Fuck it

Life's too short

Ignore it is.
Oh no... Please... Enlighten me oh wise one... :blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke: I have learned so much all ready. I really do respond well to people swearing at me and insulting me. I'm surprised nobody has called me a racist yet...
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