Is Biden really that bad?

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Well-Known Member
1) Voter ID in many states costs money.
2) The voters most likely to be disenfranchised by the de facto poll tax (check the Constitution on that one) are the poor and mobility-challenged, who are overwhelmingly not white.
3) The fascist wing of the overthrow party is pushing this agenda in order to whiten the vote

quod erat demonstrandum

View attachment 5174415
Is @NYCBambu still ranting about his discredited idea that voter ID is needed to prevent something that doesn't happen?


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Well-Known Member
Your inability to actually read responses before you go back to your Qanon trolling is annoying.
View attachment 5174420
Students dont have ID, yeah thats a good one bro! And sorry but I dont care about your wife or any single example. Voter ID is not racist and you know it, stop the lies. Everybody has an ID and you know it. Joe Biden is a shitty president and you know it. Ask yourself, who is the liar?
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Well-Known Member
Students dont have ID, yeah thats a good one bro! And sorry but I dont care about your wife or any single example. Voter ID is not racist and you know it, stop the lies. Everybody has an ID and you know it.
You are a nut bag. Hope that trolling for these losers is worth it for you.

Because you are just spamming lies and hate mongering nonsense, and if you are a real person, and this is just a job to you, you are no better than people selling cigarettes to kids, or spam calling old people to get them to pay some imaginary bill in a shitty attempt to steal their income.


Well-Known Member
Good for you. @NYCBambu's posts are worth not reading.

Every talking point of his have already been thoroughly trashed and yet he comes back to repeat them. His TDS is something to behold if one can stand to look at such an ugly pile of garbage.
this squirrel still going off on his rants and BS.......
Good for you. @NYCBambu's posts are worth not reading.

Every talking point of his have already been thoroughly trashed and yet he comes back to repeat them. His TDS is something to behold if one can stand to look at such an ugly pile of garbage.
Come to NY. I have 2
You are a nut bag. Hope that trolling for these losers is worth it for you.

Because you are just spamming lies and hate mongering nonsense, and if you are a real person, and this is just a job to you, you are no better than people selling cigarettes to kids, or spam calling old people to get them to pay some imaginary bill in a shitty attempt to steal their income.
Sorry you dont know how to read numbers and graphs. if you did, you would understand what a good president was. All of you momos are clueless.

Warning democrats: Do Not Click:

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Well-Known Member

Misinformation has been identified as a major contributor to various contentious contemporary events ranging from elections and referenda to the response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only can belief in misinformation lead to poor judgements and decision-making, it also exerts a lingering influence on people’s reasoning after it has been corrected — an effect known as the continued influence effect. In this Review, we describe the cognitive, social and affective factors that lead people to form or endorse misinformed views, and the psychological barriers to knowledge revision after misinformation has been corrected, including theories of continued influence. We discuss the effectiveness of both pre-emptive (‘prebunking’) and reactive (‘debunking’) interventions to reduce the effects of misinformation, as well as implications for information consumers and practitioners in various areas including journalism, public health, policymaking and education."

I find the "cognitive failures" list most applicable, though all the drivers are demonstrated in right wing authoritarian followers who post here, such as @NYCBambu


Well-Known Member
I did once get to see someone change their mind on voter ID. One of my conservative leaning friends, kind of a trumpy dude, had a hell of a time getting an ID and couldn't get on a plane for like a year.
Was it hard getting to the Dept of Motor vehicles because they started handing out licenses to illegals like candy? Just wondering, thats how it is here in NY. Cant get in without an appointment, still a madhouse a year after they started.
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