Is Biden really that bad?

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Well-Known Member

I'm getting to hate that word. People need to start describing exactly what is happening instead of using a boogieman word.

I hope they don't raise rates again this year, it's a bad tool for the job.

I would like to see federal home loans that operate separately from the fed rate. Big fan of affordable home loans, I think we need fewer of the weird payment options, adjustable rates are for suckers. People should be able to borrow from the government directly and easily. The loans can be packaged and sold, some want cash now vs an income stream and thats fine, but need restrictions on issuing derivatives on those products and the loan packaging needs more oversight to ensure that what gets sold is a pretty straight forward thing.


Well-Known Member

I'm getting to hate that word. People need to start describing exactly what is happening instead of using a boogieman word.

I hope they don't raise rates again this year, it's a bad tool for the job.

I would like to see federal home loans that operate separately from the fed rate. Big fan of affordable home loans, I think we need fewer of the weird payment options, adjustable rates are for suckers. People should be able to borrow from the government directly and easily. The loans can be packaged and sold, some want cash now vs an income stream and thats fine, but need restrictions on issuing derivatives on those products and the loan packaging needs more oversight to ensure that what gets sold is a pretty straight forward thing.
Homes built nowadays generally price out the younger or lower income groups. Without expanding the stock of homes including ones in an affordable price range, making lower cost loans just pushes prices up for the ones available.

"We're seeing a shortage, or housing underproduction, in all corners of the U.S.," says Mike Kingsella, the CEO of Up for Growth, which on Thursday released a study about the problem. The nonprofit research group is made up of affordable housing and industry groups.

"America's fallen 3.8 million homes short of meeting housing needs," he says. "And that's both rental housing and ownership."

Home prices are up more than 30% over the past couple of years, making homeownership unaffordable for millions of Americans. Rents are rising sharply too. The biggest culprit is this historic housing shortage. Strong demand and low supply mean higher prices.
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