Is Biden really that bad?

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Well-Known Member
Actually “Russian Collusion “ was fake, but that wouldn’t matter to idiots. Go check in with Rachel Maddow.
I did hear the Russian's tried, but that Trump was too stupid to deal with and Putin used to get frustrated with him because he couldn't follow simple instructions. His staff had the same problem, Donald has low operational intelligence and a talent for low cunning. He has great power over the weak minded such as yourself, who are stupid enough to still carry his water, well the water is gonna get a lot heavier soon.


Well-Known Member
Don’t like the truth? What, are you part of a cult? Lol Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. Lol!
You are supporting Trump. He and his organization lie so often they don't even bother trying to keep track. Your kind just wave their hands at their lies, many of which contradict other lies.

First he says he doesn't have the documents. Then he says they are "mine". Then he says the FBI planted them. Then he says he declassified them. Then he says he wants them back because they are privileged lawyer-client information.

He made all of those statements. All of them can't be true. In fact, none of them are. But that doesn't bother you, does it?

Your kind have the nerve to abuse people who are woke. Trump and his kind such as you are the opposite of woke -- degenerates. There is no need to reply. People like you who say something is both what it is and what it is not cannot hold a legitimate discussion. So don't reply. Your posts aren't worth the tiny amount of energy it takes to send them to RIU.
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