Is Biden really that bad?

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Green beans and stir-fry. I have a black/red pepper mix called hot shot that I like to add. On fast days I add a boiled egg.
The McCormick dry blend?
If you can find it and don’t mind a wet sauce, try Tapatío. It is cheap but doesn’t taste it. I was turned onto it by a friend, and it is now a cooktop stalwart.

The McCormick dry blend?
If you can find it and don’t mind a wet sauce, try Tapatío. It is cheap but doesn’t taste it. I was turned onto it by a friend, and it is now a cooktop stalwart.

The dry works good for me. Not sure about brand, but it's called hot shot.

My peppers are about the only part of my garden to make it this far into summer. We've done about all you can do with peppers. I haven't blended any sauce like that this year, but we've made about 8 bottles of sauce so far. I used to blend all my extra hots and use it around the edge of the garden fence as an added layer of protection. (extra peppers, not extra hot peppers)
Do you think Biden gave a fuck where he sat?
Would Trump have threatened Brition if he didn't sit where he wanted, somewhere inappropriate?
Would he insult the royals and country because Bannon told him it would trigger the libs back home?
Do you think Trump would have humiliated America at the ceremonies and perhaps even got kicked out of the country?
Said something profoundly offensive and stupid?
He wouldn't have been invited if he were POTUS, just like his buddy Putin. Joe just sat in his assigned seat and didn't make himself the center of attention or bully his way to a seat up front with the family, where Trump would be scratching his nuts and picking his nose in boredom. MAGA

He is the WORST president in history. He is letting in millions of illegals, criminals, drugs, and everything else on the southern border and we are paying for their housing, phones, healthcare, and everything else. This green new deal is a bunch of crap. Talk about putting the cart in front of the horse. Shutdown and regulate our fossil fuel out of business. SPEND<SPEND<SPEND. His latest billion-dollar inflation reduction act is a joke. You can't spend your way out of inflation and majority of this goes for green energy crap. He is a crook; his son is a druggy and a crook.
And I’m still paying a buck more than you all for gas….. fuck Bid….. oh wait, fuck Trudeau, how’s bout we just fuck everyone, pffff.
And I’m still paying a buck more than you all for gas….. fuck Bid….. oh wait, fuck Trudeau, how’s bout we just fuck everyone, pffff.
We should be paying a buck a gallon extra tax to subsidize EV purchases, more EVs will mean lower prices eventually as demand for gas is reduced. New research on global warming means we will have to move faster, much faster.
We should be paying a buck a gallon extra tax to subsidize EV purchases, more EVs will mean lower prices eventually as demand for gas is reduced. New research on global warming means we will have to move faster, much faster.
Not until we have good domestic-source batteries from “not Megamusk”.
why? i never understood that...why is gas worth more in some places than in others? we're down to 2.95 at a few places, no more than 3.05 anywhere now
We have our own refineries. There are state laws controlling the composition of fuel blends, including seasonally. There are cheap molecules that boost the fuel’s octane rating that can only be used in winter fuel. They boil off too easily at the considerable summer heat we have when you aren’t right on the coast.

Combine that with not having Texas next door, and with our unhealthy obsession with using cropland and groundwater to make vehicle vodka, and … money.

The good news is that the car-happiest state in the union (bike lanes play in Cali but not in ‘Fornia) has pretty clean air as a result.

My personal adaptation is to drive a very efficient car quite slowly. As a retiree, my calendar is richer than my wallet. Time is inverse money.

I used to have a Honda Civic VX, which was ruthlessly engineered for low fuel use. A year after I got it, they introduced summer and winter fuels. Summer fuels have a mandated 10% oxygenation level, and oxygen is dead weight. My mileage reliably dropped 9-10% in April and recovered in October.

Now, oxygen content is mandated year ‘round, so the seasonal step is gone. I get marginally better mileage in summer now. The density altitude phenomenon known to pilots means I have a bit less drag.
We should be paying a buck a gallon extra tax to subsidize EV purchases, more EVs will mean lower prices eventually as demand for gas is reduced. New research on global warming means we will have to move faster, much faster.
Please not before I hand in the corporate gas card. I really don’t even look at prices except when I get cans filled for boat and tractor :(. Then I head to reserve …… helping the the First Nation folks ….. buy their weed as well when want to try something ;).
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