Is Biden really that bad?

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I sleep with the TV on so I'll either have history, sci-fi, or news on. I flip back and forth from FOX and CNN. I use to watch Aljezzera but it's not on DIRECTV anymore. I like to hear both sides views. I don't watch news during the day though, :bigjoint:
So basically you get the real 24hr news from CNN and then you change the channel to Faux. Got it. Lmao
why would they do that? Harris wouldn't have won the election, and NO ONE voted for Hillary or Michelle Obama...what would the profit be for democrats?
Biden isn't a supreme court judge, where retiring at an opportune time ensures your party getting to pick your replacement.
and if he's still as mentally active and aware as he is now, why replace him? he's getting shit done.
Kamala could quickly pardon Joe for any crimes the new republican majority might manifest against him & that would take the wind out of their sails and they would have nothing else to do. She would then be able to pick her replacement VP (See Gerald Ford/Nelson Rockefeller). Gavin could then serve for 2 years as VP. He would be primed to take over in 2032 after Kamala gets elected in 2024/2028...Keeps the line moving 8-)
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It still is a bad bill. It replaced education with a very focused test-prep culture.
So its being passed with near-unanimous support long predated the emergence of just how it gutted the freedom of public educators. It was a Republican conception from square one, and the Democrats of the time swallowed the bait.

Back on topic, I would have done just as Newsom did, and for the reason that my kids would not be hobbled by the standardized-test arms race that NCLB made necessary.
I agree with you, and frankly the NCLB act, plus Common Core is one of the main reasons that I don't send my kids to public school. My youngest is still homeschooled, and my oldest is now in private school.
So, I find it disingenuous to frame that as a Republican only issue.
It doesn’t though.
You talk like there really isn’t a 2 party system. I hate to even say lesser of evils because i don’t even see it that way but the GOP is fucking nuts right now.
You say you are involved in your local union. I know where you’re at. I put in many years in a major building trade(union)just over the hill from you. Worked allot in SC too. As a union member, them being anti union. Why you such a hater?

baby steps bro. Shit don’t happen overnight in congress especially these days

Exactly, baby steps. We can't get rid of the 2-party system overnight, but hopefully we can over time. As far as unions, yes I am a member of two unions, and have served in multiple elected union offices in the past couple of decades. I'm not sure who you're referring to as "them" being anti-union, I assume the GOP? I've never voted for Republicans myself. How am I a hater, because I'm critical of the people that I voted for? Um, that's the job that we all have as citizens; would you prefer tacit apathy?
I agree with you, and frankly the NCLB act, plus Common Core is one of the main reasons that I don't send my kids to public school. My youngest is still homeschooled, and my oldest is now in private school.

So, I find it disingenuous to frame that as a Republican only issue.

Exactly, baby steps. We can't get rid of the 2-party system overnight, but hopefully we can over time. As far as unions, yes I am a member of two unions, and have served in multiple elected union offices in the past couple of decades. I'm not sure who you're referring to as "them" being anti-union, I assume the GOP? I've never voted for Republicans myself. How am I a hater, because I'm critical of the people that I voted for? Um, that's the job that we all have as citizens; would you prefer tacit apathy?
It was still sponsored almost entirely by Republicans. The votes by Democrats are not to be construed the way you are insinuating imo.
My family was doing better economically under Trump. Our 401k's have taken a shit under Biden. And I just think the whole way the democrats are going is getting too far out there for me. All this anti cop, anti military, anti white, anti male, blah blah blah and the wokeness shit is fucked up and not helping anything. I don't want Trump or Biden to run again. I want someone kinda in the middle if that's makes sense. Not a confused old man but also not an arrogant ass. I know it's a lot to ask for in Politics.
LOL, the current Dems are far from anti-military. I also disagree that they are anti-white or anti-male. If anything they've finally "woken" up to the fact that white men have inequitably dominated the political sphere for decades, and are working to actively give a voice to those who have been disenfranchised from politics for decades. Perhaps those efforts have swung a bit too far, in that they can cloud the judgement of who is best for any given job, which is somewhat unfortunate, but perhaps still better than the alternative. The "wokeness" thing does crack me up though, because us true progressive liberals have known of this "woke" shit for decades -- we woke up a long time ago. The rest of the political left is finally starting to catch up, like they just discovered something new. Fuck, I organized a civil disobedience protest for the beating of Rodney King way back in the early 90's, long before standing against racial injustice and police brutality was cool, and I was just a 17-year old white-boy.
LOL, the current Dems are far from anti-military. I also disagree that they are anti-white or anti-male. If anything they've finally "woken" up to the fact that white men have inequitably dominated the political sphere for decades, and are working to actively give a voice to those who have been disenfranchised from politics for decades. Perhaps those efforts have swung a bit too far, in that they can cloud the judgement of who is best for any given job, which is somewhat unfortunate, but perhaps still better than the alternative. The "wokeness" thing does crack me up though, because us true progressive liberals have known of this "woke" shit for decades -- we woke up a long time ago. The rest of the political left is finally starting to catch up, like they just discovered something new. Fuck, I organized a civil disobedience protest for the beating of Rodney King way back in the early 90's, long before standing against racial injustice and police brutality was cool, and I was just a 17-year old white-boy.
Well I wish the Biden administration would Woke Up and put back the previous administrations fossil fuel policies and reinstate the Keystone Pipeline because his Green New Deal policy is a bunch of Horse Shit! :bigjoint:
LOL, the current Dems are far from anti-military. I also disagree that they are anti-white or anti-male. If anything they've finally "woken" up to the fact that white men have inequitably dominated the political sphere for decades, and are working to actively give a voice to those who have been disenfranchised from politics for decades. Perhaps those efforts have swung a bit too far, in that they can cloud the judgement of who is best for any given job, which is somewhat unfortunate, but perhaps still better than the alternative. The "wokeness" thing does crack me up though, because us true progressive liberals have known of this "woke" shit for decades -- we woke up a long time ago. The rest of the political left is finally starting to catch up, like they just discovered something new. Fuck, I organized a civil disobedience protest for the beating of Rodney King way back in the early 90's, long before standing against racial injustice and police brutality was cool, and I was just a 17-year old white-boy.
The way I see it is presidential nominees will usually run to their base to get elected. They will usually govern in the middle. As in they would all make most of the same tough decisions compared to the aternative. Not talking social issues.

and then there was trump.
Well I wish the Biden administration would Woke Up and put back the previous administrations fossil fuel policies and reinstate the Keystone Pipeline because his Green New Deal policy is a bunch of Horse Shit! :bigjoint:
The fucking keystone pipeline didn’t make gas prices go up. It was an incomplete pipeline that was to ship Canadas shitty oil down to the gulf to be shipped off. not to mention the whole eminent domain laws trump was throwing out the door.
Try again my friend :-)
Well I wish the Biden administration would Woke Up and put back the previous administrations fossil fuel policies and reinstate the Keystone Pipeline because his Green New Deal policy is a bunch of Horse Shit! :bigjoint:
Ending the keystone pipeline is one of the good things that Biden did IMO. Why the fuck should we let big oil run a pipeline through native lands?

Also, Biden doesn't have a Green New Deal policy. You're thinking of someone else.
Ending the keystone pipeline is one of the good things that Biden did IMO. Why the fuck should we let big oil run a pipeline through native lands?

Also, Biden doesn't have a Green New Deal policy. You're thinking of someone else.
I know, the fact that it has to run through some precious country sucks, but it's safer than transporting it by truck or train or whatever. But how can you deny Biden's Green New Deal Plan? He went after the fossil fuel industry on day 1.
Back then, I was quite inattentive to politics.

My big beef with NCLB is that it forced school administrators to refocus the curriculum to “how to pass the following standardized tests”, which has nothing to do with real-life teaching and sucked time and resources away from more useful educational procedures imo. I watched my kids essentially get denied an education because it was all about the school keeping its conditional funding. It was a one-size-shits-all straitjacket.
That triggered the memories of what the people I know were saying, thank you.

I've voted for both parties over the years. I voted for Obama. Then Trump. Hillary just seemed like one of the most dishonest people I could imagine.
lol some egg on your face on that one after 4 years of Trump huh.

She seemed like she was still pissed at Bill. Trump seemed way more honest since he wasn't a typical politician.
Yeah the propaganda was strong, I am guessing you were spammed quite a bit if how someone 'seems' sticks with after all this time.

She was pissed at him (rightly so).

Trump was a professional spoiled rich kid turned con man, sounds like almost every typical politician I can think of.

And Joe isn't all there.
Bullshit propaganda.

Yes Trump was an asshole, but I liked a lot of his policies.
It is the policies like ripping children out of their parents arms and giving foreign dictators everything they wanted if they would do shit for him that I have a problem with.

The economy was kicking ass and we were self reliant on fossil fuels and cheap gas and super low inflation.

Are you just expecting us to believe this lie?

Do you not remember 2020? Trump shit decisions on adequately warning the American people and instead deciding to go on a victory lap after he was impeached (but not removed) and confusing the information coming out on the pandemic.

We had 'super low inflation' because we were in a Recession and had the most job losses in American history.

Other countries also respected us more

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and wouldn't be pulling some of the shit they are now.
You talking about those 'headaches' that the military had when they were bombed by Iran? Or the fact that Russia was attacking Ukraine under Trump's administration and he decided to use that as leverage to get made-up political dirt on Biden.

Pretending like people are so short sighted that they believe this nonsense is why the attack on our society is so dangerous.

And as for the screwing with oil prices, don't forget it was Trump who 'negotiated' 10 million barrels a day reduction with the same dictators who are screwing with us now.

Sadly Biden has fucked shit up way worse than I could imagine in less than 2 years.
Like what?

I know the go-to right now with the Republican propaganda seems to be ignoring everything going on in the planet and pretending like somehow the impacts of those along with Biden and the Democrats not allowing the economy to continue to melt like it was doing with Trump.

I wish I felt better about him, but the shit I see happening can't be denied.
You should find better sources of information then man, for real.

My family was doing better economically under Trump.
In 2020 you were doing better than you are now? Were you a mortician? Or I guess if you have a cannabis business, being so new and rapidly expanding I could see it being a especially good year. Who knows, could be someone got radicalized and lost their job in the hospital because they believed the anti-science propaganda. Anyways, sorry man, hopefully you guys turn it around whatever the reason is.

Our 401k's have taken a shit under Biden.
That sucks, ours is up since we are maxing out our contributions. I have a while before it will be needed though.

And I just think the whole way the democrats are going is getting too far out there for me. All this anti cop, anti military, anti white, anti male, blah blah blah and the wokeness shit is fucked up and not helping anything.
Yeah that is just a bingo card of MAGA talking points man and does not reflect reality in the least.

It is shit like this that makes it hard to not just imagine you trolling to pay the bills. If you actually believe this nonsense you really should just hang up the internet man, just unplug, the TV too. Because you are under attack nonstop and seem to think it is true, and it isn't.

I don't want Trump or Biden to run again.
I am good with Biden. I did like Harris too, and would like to see her as president in about 6 years.

I am with you on Trump though, he really is a danger to our democracy at this point.

I want someone kinda in the middle if that's makes sense. Not a confused old man but also not an arrogant ass. I know it's a lot to ask for in Politics.
If you drop the propaganda laced 'confused' part, and got past the age-ism, Biden does match what you are asking for.
I know, the fact that it has to run through some precious country sucks, but it's safer than transporting it by truck or train or whatever. But how can you deny Biden's Green New Deal Plan? He went after the fossil fuel industry on day 1.
There is a lot more to the green new deal than just that.
Oil doesn't come from fossils, lol.
Oil is fossil in nature and by definition: it comes from buried life.
Kamala could quickly pardon Joe for any crimes the new republican majority might manifest against him & that would take the wind out of their sails and they would have nothing else to do. She would then be able to pick her replacement VP (See Gerald Ford/Nelson Rockefeller). Gavin could then serve for 2 years as VP. He would be primed to take over in 2032 after Kamala gets elected in 2024/2028...Keeps the line moving 8-)
Or Biden could just run and win again in 2024, and we could get Harris 2028-2036.

Also Biden's ass is so clean they had to try to smear his idiot kid and have some crazy lady who was writing Putin love letters, pretend like he aggressed on her.
Well I wish the Biden administration would Woke Up and put back the previous administrations fossil fuel policies and reinstate the Keystone Pipeline because his Green New Deal policy is a bunch of Horse Shit! :bigjoint:
The green new deal has never been voted on. Keystone was going to take canadian tar sands crude to texas so it could be shipped to china. Several years from now when it would have been completed. Gas prices has more to do with refinery shutdowns.
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