Is Biden really that bad?

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i'm just curious where all this enthusiasm for fact checking was during the four years fuckface trump was in office, lying through his teeth every time he opened his mouth? i don't recall either of you ever once going to this much effort to discredit trump...
i care as much about Biden lying as you all care about trump lying...
Biden isn't trying to destroy our country, trump is. Biden isn't stealing secret documents, trump is. Biden doesn't rip off his followers, trump does...Biden is a better person in every way. if he occasionally stretches the truth, if he occasionally makes a mistake, if he occasionally just tells a bald faced lie...he's not doing it to line his own pockets, he's doing it to try to keep the country from falling apart, in direct opposition of every single thing trump does.
Daniel Dale’s got your back! To bad more people didn’t follow him, it was a daily accounting of the lies, so many lies :(.
Does it have to be that way really though? One side for Ukraine and the other for Putin. How about the side that stays out of it including reneging on NATO invites?

Who was worse, Stalin or Putin?
They're both worse...There isn't always a better choice, or even an acceptable choice.
That's when you get revolutions...And why i'm not worried about revolution in America. There is one side that is clearly better than the other side. There is a party that serves the rich, racist, authoritarian elite in America, that is run by seditious criminals, that is actively trying to remove the rights of over half the citizens of the country. They're willing to lie, cheat, steal or kill, if that's what it takes them to regain and maintain power.
and then you have the Democrats, who are rebuilding the infrastructure of the country, the entire country...They aren't allowing money to be spent on jim crow, red line bullshit.
They're trying to protect the rights of EVERYONE in the country, they're trying to make the ultra rich pay their fair share of taxes.
They aren't the ones who continually threaten to shut down the government when they don't get one of their outrageous demands met.
They aren't the ones offering support to dictators, terrorists, and war criminals.
The system of mass incarceration particularly targets Black people, who are 13 percent of the U.S. population but are 38 percent of the people in jails and prisons. These updated charts show how people of color, particularly Black and Native American people, are disproportionately incarcerated in the United States.May 19, 2022
Who is worse is the correct question.

Was is appropriate. Putin is not dead yet but is what he has done worse than Stalin.
The system of mass incarceration particularly targets Black people, who are 13 percent of the U.S. population but are 38 percent of the people in jails and prisons. These updated charts show how people of color, particularly Black and Native American people, are disproportionately incarcerated in the United States.May 19, 2022

Particularly black males which are 7% yet commit over half of all violent crime. Thanks for sticking up for my community white man. You are not the problem or the solution.
Politicians are just figureheads for the Power Barons that bought up your Countries long ago! The Powers That Be, is
The Big Club. They don't care at all. Biden is a mess, only those who are willfully blind will deny it. Hate burns them from inside because they were fooled by people they believed in,...instead of believing in themselves. Joe's going to save us they cried. How's that working out so far? Haters are going to hate and if not for the weed they have to consume, they'd probably buy tanks and blow themselves up. TDS is real and it's revealing a emotional sickness in many people. When I see it I play music, so they can " Shake, Rattle, and Roll!" Life's too short to sweat shit I have no control over. Where's Hunter?
Politicians are just figureheads for the Power Barons that bought up your Countries long ago! The Powers That Be, is
The Big Club. They don't care at all. Biden is a mess, only those who are willfully blind will deny it. Hate burns them from inside because they were fooled by people they believed in,...instead of believing in themselves. Joe's going to save us they cried. How's that working out so far? Haters are going to hate and if not for the weed they have to consume, they'd probably buy tanks and blow themselves up. TDS is real and it's revealing a emotional sickness in many people. When I see it I play music, so they can " Shake, Rattle, and Roll!" Life's too short to sweat shit I have no control over. Where's Hunter?
lock trump up.....and his whole damn family
From NATO right?
Mainly America. Ukraine isnt in Nato.
America is paying the bill and Ukraine gets some charity when Biden gets on the ph and tells other countries to or (insert something about trade). Not sure what Ukraines loan is to America in regard to payback- guessing oil and infrastructure contracts and of cause American bases. Biden sons in oil and spent time in Ukraine recently so he would be up to speed. Bushes would know to.
What's the solution to past racism if you read the books? Right. Equally balanced corrective racism.
there's your see equality and equity as racism...that's a really strange opinion for a black person to have. i speak to middle eastern people, south American people, African people. this is a big tourist area and we get thousands of teenagers and adults from all over the world on J-12 visas every summer. almost all of them that i have spoken to say pretty much the same thing, that the rest of the world thinks it's a shame American blacks have never gotten reparations for how they were treated for so long, and that affirmative action is only leveling a very very tilted playing field...
you have to come to America to find people who don't think so...and you apparently have to come to either the libertarians or the republicans to find black people who don't think so.
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