Is Biden really that bad?

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"In a letter to Congress on Thursday, Mr Biden wrote that the order was "unwarranted" and said that no further tax dollars will be spent on the wall.
Mr Trump declared a state of emergency over the southern border in 2019, which allowed him to bypass Congress and use military funds for its construction."

"Trump's national emergency was never about security," wrote Arizona Democratic Congressman Raúl Grijalva on Twitter following Mr Biden's announcement. "Now we must cancel the contracts and ensure that not another foot of the border wall is constructed."
I still don't think it's funny or something to laugh about. But you guys don't seem to care what he does.

the laughing part is that the previous admin is when it happened and they Repug are trying to blame him for it now.....honestly is dispicable for them to do that......

Death is literally not funny imo, Death by overdose......even worse
Yall remember when that damn traitor to the nation barrack hussein Obama put Dijon mustard on his burger. I tell you it was outright un-American, a national disgrace and tragedy. Why aren't more people talking about this!

Stuff like that is why we don't take your biden outrage seriously guy.
coulda been worse!

Armageddon does not happen overnight - you are in the Midst of Human destruction - it will take time grasshopper.

Sit back enjoy legal weed and watch the Chaos.
Humans are just a failed MONKEY experiment conducted by Alien Scientists.
LOL. It's always the losers who thirst for societal collapse and the death of billions. The thing is, people who were losers before society collapses will be losers after it as well.
LOL. It's always the losers who thirst for societal collapse and the death of billions. The thing is, people who were losers before society collapses will be losers after it as well.
If you’ve read any S. M. Stirling, they tend to eat each other.
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