Is Biden really that bad?

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VVA: Trump’s Attack on Gold Star Family Is Disgraceful and Un-American
(Washington, DC) – Vietnam Veterans of America is a non-partisan, war-time veterans’ membership and service organization that does not endorse or support political candidates at any level. “However, we cannot remain silent when a Gold Star family member is being publicly denigrated, ” said John Rowan, National President of Vietnam Veterans of America. “It is especially reprehensible when that individual is seeking to become the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of our nation.
Trump slight against Gold Star families adds to military woes
Oh my god. That's ridiculous how you guys can twist shit all around. I could say nice hair, and you could find some way to be offended.
VVA: Trump’s Attack on Gold Star Family Is Disgraceful and Un-American
(Washington, DC) – Vietnam Veterans of America is a non-partisan, war-time veterans’ membership and service organization that does not endorse or support political candidates at any level. “However, we cannot remain silent when a Gold Star family member is being publicly denigrated, ” said John Rowan, National President of Vietnam Veterans of America. “It is especially reprehensible when that individual is seeking to become the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of our nation.
Not true.
Republicans support for the troops is more along the lines of buying a hat at the gas station and being jealous of dudes that went and did the thing. Then pointing at the hat and demanding we thank them for their service and calling people libs.
Not true.
Vietnam Veterans of America
NOTE: Organizations themselves cannot contribute to candidates and party committees.
RecipientTotalFrom IndividualsFrom OrganizationType
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte$8,347$8,347$0Political Party
Ryan, Tim$2,093$2,093$0Candidate (D-OH13)
Masto, Catherine Cortez$1,825$1,825$0Candidate (D-NVS2)
Demings, Val$1,775$1,775$0Candidate (D-FL10)
Kelly, Mark$1,007$1,007$0Candidate (D-AZS1)
Hassan, Maggie$978$978$0Candidate (D-NHS1)
Barnes, Mandela$909$909$0Candidate (D-WIS2)
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte$840$840$0Political Party
Fetterman, John$710$710$0Candidate (D-PAS1)
Duckworth, Tammy$675$675$0
The way Biden handled Afghanistan was a disgrace. Made us look weak and unreliable. It lowered morale in the military and pissed off some of our closest allies. I think most of you guys realize how shitty Biden is, but just refuse to see it or admit it.

Biden didnt have much say in Afghanistan whilst Trump was prez- But the whole Afghanistan thing was illegal, flawed and fkd up from the start. Losing to the Taliban was expected. Afghanistan has a history of winning against invaders.

Was telling that Trump had to negotiate the surrender and withdrawal with the Taliban and not the Puppet gov that the US set up.
I am antiwar so..........glad he set a date.
Being the boss and changing said date on a whim was biden,violating the agreement.
Biden was the boss and his admin handled the withdrawal which was a debacle........on the date he chose.
Did you read the CNN report on jobs cuz it aint flattering.
I read the report, not (quite) as good as expected isn't unflattering.
I also read the report about the withdrawal, which you obviously didn't....I also read the coverage when the event was actually happening...
trump shat on that deal, just like every other deal he had any involvement in. He's a pinheaded moron, with no fucking clue about foreign policy, who offered to bring terrorists to Camp David on the anniversary of their terrorist attacks on the US. Could he shit any more on the people those terrorists killed, or their surviving family members? trump negotiated a shitty deal, just like all his deals, and then dumped the resulting flaming pile of shit on the man who beat him, fair and square.
But in the end, several analysts say, what stands out is the damage Trump did to civilian-military relations. He used troops — and senior officers — in clearly political events, at times referring to "my generals." One senior officer, who is not authorized to speak publicly, recalled that in his dealings with Trump, the president was surprised to learn the military is apolitical.
it will be decades before all the damage trump did to the United States and it's people are even catalogued. Then they can get started trying to calculate the damage he did worldwide, with his assault on US/Mexican relations, his china tariffs, His incredible mismanagement of the pandemic...Just every fucking thing he touched for four years will have to be examined and repaired.
Ok everything is trumps fault especially the stuff since Biden took it.
I also get trumps family members are all corrupt and involved whereas Biden's family has nothing to do with any of it.
Every single republican is corrpt,evil and a racist and all democrats are simply there for altruistic reasons.
Such a simple world view...........wish I had come to it sooner.
Ok everything is trumps fault especially the stuff since Biden took it.
I also get trumps family members are all corrupt and involved whereas Biden's family has nothing to do with any of it.
Every single republican is corrpt,evil and a racist and all democrats are simply there for altruistic reasons.
Such a simple world view...........wish I had come to it sooner.
About damn time :hump:
lol counties

a large proportion of the counties in question were hinterlands with sometimes under a thousand residents.

note also the description of a contrastingly and refreshingly honest election as A Coup

sigh, overthrow party
Guess you guys didn't like

Energy independence
1.87 gallon gas
Low taxes
1% inflation
Tax cuts
Fair trade
No new wars
Rebuilt military
Google his accomplshments, amazing results

You were better off under trump weather you like him or not

Biden couldn't run a lemonaid stand lol

deregulation and fair trade do not coexist. Libertarians after all.
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