Is Biden really that bad?

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I can only imagine that the sound of sheep incessantly BAAAAA-BAAAAA-ing is simple white noise to people who are so willing to swallow bullshit rhetoric, as long as CNN is the spoon ladling the steamy pile of lies in the gaping mouths of sheeple.
• Look at the Southern Border
• He can't remember the lies he's told, can't formulate full sentences. He changes his stances like he changes his diapers.
• Really believes that people chant, "Let's Go, Brandon".
• He hates you. He hates me. He hates that America is free. He wants your weapons. He wants your submission.
• He is completely mentally incompetent, and in poor health. The "people" who installed him (he was not the true winner) could care less about him. And THEY hate you more than him.
I believe that is why this vaccine mandate shit is getting pushed onto the world in such ferocious ways. And hell, let's be honest, a mandate is NOT a law, in any way. I believe this is all about control over the people, forcing vaccines, despite the "my body, my choice" freedoms it violates. I believe they have put God knows what in there to mess with the population on genetic levels; their goal has always been population decreases and total control. Its freaking scary as hell, the crap going on behind the scenes, and behind the curtain.
joe biden hates your freedom and sheep just repeat dumb shit they hear, couldnt agree more
Here's a simple one.
The terrorist rocket fired upon Seal Team 6, causing their helicopter to crash, had a rather distinct serial number on it.
It came from a stash of weapons the CIA had stockpiled, each with matching numbers.
HRC, the true murderer of those brave Americans, had sold the rocket (along with other weapons AND uranium) to our enemies in the Middle East.
They used the American missile on Americans.
Follow the Clinton Foundation, The Uranium One Deal, and The DNC.
Research is key
So i just did some research and it all says the uranium one thing is made up bullshit by retarded trumpsucking crybabies?
Here's a simple one.
The terrorist rocket fired upon Seal Team 6, causing their helicopter to crash, had a rather distinct serial number on it.
It came from a stash of weapons the CIA had stockpiled, each with matching numbers.
HRC, the true murderer of those brave Americans, had sold the rocket (along with other weapons AND uranium) to our enemies in the Middle East.
They used the American missile on Americans.
Follow the Clinton Foundation, The Uranium One Deal, and The DNC.
Research is key
Tell us about the Jewish lasers ?
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