Is Biden really that bad?

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Fuck me
What the fuck is wrong with the public
Biden: A brutal poll number for the president - CNNPolitics
Don't they see what the fuck is going on around him/us.
We're in a Pandemic/the Republicans hate Biden/love Putin, what's he supposed to do with those motherfuckers sticking sticks into his wheels while he tries to get ahead.
Then he doesn't even have full support of his fellow Dems.
Yea, I forgot inflation, gas prices, food increases, rent, college loans & every other fucking thing that's wrong in America is Biden's fault, right?
Jesus fucking Christ almighty, We're probably going to lose seats to those cockroaches.
I'm disgusted/feel like screaming/I think I will
Bummer. Dems are likely to take a hit at the next couple of elections.
I expect the tide will turn as indictments and criminal referrals start to happen. The GOP has bargained with the devil, and it will not escape the payment portion of that deal. In ten years all of the folks with half a heart will be driven off, perhaps to a moderate-right party that is more Eisenhower than Reagan and the startling damage the Gipper did to us as a society. The remaining Repubs will be boiled down to its hard core of drug-addled pillow magnates, Klansmen, dominionists, and just plain head cases like Greene.
Yeah got to remember that Biden is a constant target by the right wing trolls (even ones cat fishing as left).

In a actual election there will be a 'insert Republican here'. And anyone that can win a Republican primary is going to be one of the trolls that are going to have to stick with a 'owning the libs' narrative, which is very inspiring.

IMO a lot of Democrats are still only been able to unclench after 4 years of Trump's Dear Leader routine for 1 year, and it has been a hell of a year with nonstop Trump/Republican induced mess after another. And it has all been leading up to this war Putin was going to conduct that the Biden knew was coming since he got us out of Afghanastan without triggering us having to send in more troops (after Trump fucked our positioning there when he made a deal with the Taliban).

Who needs a years long election like Trump and the Republicans forced us into with their constant sales pitching. Biden and the Democrats have been doing the work that the country needs to get us through the aftermath of the last 4 years, and the J6th commission seems to be timing their hearings perfectly to give a couple months of hardcore campaigning afterwards.
Bummer. Dems are likely to take a hit at the next couple of elections.
These early polls only tell us what people are saying at the moment. Agree that the outlook was dismal for Democrats at the time the polls were taken.

I'm very curious how sentiment shifts now that there can be no denying the relationship between the GOP and Putin is tight and lovey dovey. Trump's "Pootie is a jeanius" speech for example. I don't know how well that will go over with his older supporters. He doesn't have very many young ones, either.

I've been creeped out by how they aren't even trying to hide it. If feels like they know they have already won and no longer have to keep their treasonous actions under wraps.
I've been creeped out by how they aren't even trying to hide it. If feels like they know they have already won and no longer have to keep their treasonous actions under wraps.
That's because they are idiots, this is yet another wedge issue in the GOP, fueled by Trump. The public wants Joe to go hard on Russia and he and the national security community are delighted to comply.
That's because they are idiots, this is yet another wedge issue in the GOP, fueled by Trump. The public wants Joe to go hard on Russia and he and the national security community are delighted to comply.
everyone wants him to go full bore on putin, but then where do you have to go? what do you have left to threaten with?..putin still has more men to throw at Ukraine, he still has a lot of hardware to expend, he still has nukes when it comes right down to it, which is the only reason NATO doesn't just stomp him a new asshole...
so you have to hit them hard, but not as hard as you he elevates his repsonse, you elevate your sanctions
everyone wants him to go full bore on putin, but then where do you have to go? what do you have left to threaten with?..putin still has more men to throw at Ukraine, he still has a lot of hardware to expend, he still has nukes when it comes right down to it, which is the only reason NATO doesn't just stomp him a new asshole...
so you have to hit them hard, but not as hard as you he elevates his repsonse, you elevate your sanctions
They will make Vlad pay a price in blood, treasure and trouble in his empire, we might not be able to save the Ukraine, but we can crush Russia and eliminate a pain in the ass over the next few years. The people of Russia know what is coming and who is to blame, it will get simply awful for the average Russian, they live like shit now and it is gonna get really bad there. The oligarchs must be shitting bricks at the coming prospect of all their accumulated ill gotten gains in the west disappearing. I say take Vlad's money and give it to Ukrainian refugees and anybody else who wants to be a pain in the ass to Vlad!

Vlad kicked off cold war 2, not us, sew sow the wind and reap the whirlwind.
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They will make Vlad pay a price in blood, treasure and trouble in his empire, we might not be able to save the Ukraine, but we can crush Russia and eliminate a pain in the ass over the next few years. The people of Russia know what is coming and who is to blame, it will get simply awful for the average Russian, they live like shit now and it is gonna get really bad there. The oligarchs must be shitting bricks at the coming prospect of all their accumulated ill gotten gains in the west disappearing. I say take Vlad's money and give it to Ukrainian refugees and anybody else who wants to be a pain in the ass to Vlad!

Vlad kicked off cold war 2, not us, sew the wind and reap the whirlwind.
i agree...putin and the corrupt system in russia have to go. i have no animosity to russian citizens, even the ones who don't protest putin's poor decisions. the blame for this rests on putin's shoulders, and who ever has been advising him. going full bore on sanctions doesn't leave you anywhere to escalate, but it still leaves the option of offering to remove a few of them for good behavior.
i say this knowing that it will piss some people off, but i'd allow Ukraine to be occupied for a few years if thats whats necessary to cripple putin's ability to wage more war. i'm willing to pay more for gas for a couple of years to get that done. i'm willing to live with the karmic blood of the Ukranians who will die on my hands, if it guarantees that putin can never do that again, and neither can his successor.
i also place a pretty high value on the lesson this will teach other would be dictators about the cost of dominion...
so yeah, full bore ahead with the sanctions, till they choke russia to death. hopefully, the survivors will crawl from the rubble and do better
They will make Vlad pay a price in blood, treasure and trouble in his empire, we might not be able to save the Ukraine, but we can crush Russia and eliminate a pain in the ass over the next few years. The people of Russia know what is coming and who is to blame, it will get simply awful for the average Russian, they live like shit now and it is gonna get really bad there. The oligarchs must be shitting bricks at the coming prospect of all their accumulated ill gotten gains in the west disappearing. I say take Vlad's money and give it to Ukrainian refugees and anybody else who wants to be a pain in the ass to Vlad!

Vlad kicked off cold war 2, not us, sew the wind and reap the whirlwind.
To the last, what stitchery? I thought the expression contained the word sow.
i agree...putin and the corrupt system in russia have to go. i have no animosity to russian citizens, even the ones who don't protest putin's poor decisions. the blame for this rests on putin's shoulders, and who ever has been advising him. going full bore on sanctions doesn't leave you anywhere to escalate, but it still leaves the option of offering to remove a few of them for good behavior.
i say this knowing that it will piss some people off, but i'd allow Ukraine to be occupied for a few years if thats whats necessary to cripple putin's ability to wage more war. i'm willing to pay more for gas for a couple of years to get that done. i'm willing to live with the karmic blood of the Ukranians who will die on my hands, if it guarantees that putin can never do that again, and neither can his successor.
i also place a pretty high value on the lesson this will teach other would be dictators about the cost of dominion...
so yeah, full bore ahead with the sanctions, till they choke russia to death. hopefully, the survivors will crawl from the rubble and do better
I can't help but think that Vlad was maneuvered into this position and this is a major fuck up on his part, He couldn't have fucked himself any better than if he sat down for a month and planned it! No way would America get these kind of sanctions of Russia without Vlad's help, this was like Hitler declaring war on America FFS, a major mistake. They might think they are prepared for sanctions, like he figured he was prepared for war in the Ukraine. He also screwed all his right wing fan club in the west, including the republicans, it's an echo of what happened to the first America first movement in 1941 when Hitler declared war on America!
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