Is Biden really that bad?

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Hayes: If Biden's Speech Sounded Divisive And Extreme, Here's Why
531 views Sep 2, 2022 Chris Hayes: “Some level of division is necessary when there is a conflict of this magnitude between two parties. One party wants to preserve the democratic constitutional order of our American democracy.”
Gas prices are still a dollar more than when joe started, certainly nothing to brag about. Bidens executive orders are to blame, its obvious.
Gas is always lower when the economy is in a shambles. Democrats had to bail out economic catastrophes after the last two Republican presidents. Better economies spur demand which (along with supply) is the primary driver of prices. You can have cheaper gas if you want to go back to the Bush or Trump economic catastrophes.
^^ Quotes his own post and says “your” (sic) right.

I imagine you will be arguing with yourself soon.
Please go away right now, the FBI wants to know who you guys are. Don’t worry I told them you were mental cases but they said they knew that. They wanted to know if you were antifagots. Watch out!
Please go away right now, the FBI wants to know who you guys are. Don’t worry I told them you were mental cases but they said they knew that. They wanted to know if you were antifagots. Watch out!

Gas is always lower when the economy is in a shambles. Democrats had to bail out economic catastrophes after the last two Republican presidents. Better economies spur demand which (along with supply) is the primary driver of prices. You can have cheaper gas if you want to go back to the Bush or Trump economic catastrophes.
Lowest gas prices in a long time happened during the initial quarantine phase, when discretionary driving was limited. It’s dumb, deceptive or both to claim that as a policy win.
I don't know if you noticed but Sunni just deleted a thread because some trumpy troll was posting vile stuff that she was concerned crossed the line. I totally agree with what she did. That troll was way out of line and had been for quite a while.

The trolls have become particularly vile and vicious lately. @NYCBambu , for example posts misogynistic, homophobic rants, along with talk of mutilating trans women. I'm guessing to get a rise out of the liberals who post here. Then @BigMP. He hasn't ever said anything of note. Just pages of stuff like this:

Rolli would let them run for a while then would ban them. So, what happened to the moderators? The trolls are definitely not here to talk politics, they just run their mouths, spewing garbage that would in the past have gotten them banned.
As usual, all you do is lie and twist the truth. Thanks for the call to stop free speech, exactly in line with your party, and just like Joe Biden. You can't handle the truth so you call the moderators, what a coward. You are part of the reverse psychology nonsense Joe preaches. Joe says republicans are radical, but the only people doing radical shit is the left. From tranny story time to BLM destroying neighborhoods, demonizing police, open borders, record inflation, vaccine mandates, keeping parents out of schools decision making. Thats radical. Republicans do not attend weekly klan meetings, we dont tear down statues. We do not gather together to lynch people, or re-define what a woman is. The only thing you can say is radical is abortion laws in some states. Other than that, its really a joke, its reverse psychology and you are part of it.

I stand by what I said btw, and its not mutilation. Its making things fair. Having more or less of a hormone does not change your sex, that is a ridiculous notion. Chromosomes will always be in original form. And if you do this to a child, yes this is child abuse.
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Gas is always lower when the economy is in a shambles. Democrats had to bail out economic catastrophes after the last two Republican presidents. Better economies spur demand which (along with supply) is the primary driver of prices. You can have cheaper gas if you want to go back to the Bush or Trump economic catastrophes.
idk what you are talking about, Trump gave us the best economy in 50 years.
As usual, all you do is lie and twist the truth. Thanks for the call to stop free speech, exactly in line with your party, and just like Joe Biden. You are part of the reverse psychology nonsense Joe preaches. Joe says republicans are radical, but the only people doing radical shit is the left. From tranny story time to BLM destroying neighborhoods, demonizing police, open borders, record inflation, vaccine mandates, keeping parents out of schools decision making. Thats radical. Republicans do not attend weekly klan meetings, we dont tear down statues. We do not gather together to lynch people, or re-define what a woman is. The only thing you can say is radical is abortion laws in some states. Other than that, its really a joke, its reverse psychology and you are part of it.

I stand by what I said btw, and its not mutilation. Its making things fair. Having more or less of a hormone does not change your sex, that is a ridiculous notion. Chromosomes will always be in original form. And if you do this to a child, yes this is child abuse.
And you are part of a small minority
Enjoy the next decade
idk what you are talking about, Trump gave us the best economy in 50 years.

As usual, all you do is lie and twist the truth. Thanks for the call to stop free speech, exactly in line with your party, and just like Joe Biden. You can't handle the truth so you call the moderators, what a coward. You are part of the reverse psychology nonsense Joe preaches. Joe says republicans are radical, but the only people doing radical shit is the left. From tranny story time to BLM destroying neighborhoods, demonizing police, open borders, record inflation, vaccine mandates, keeping parents out of schools decision making. Thats radical. Republicans do not attend weekly klan meetings, we dont tear down statues. We do not gather together to lynch people, or re-define what a woman is. The only thing you can say is radical is abortion laws in some states. Other than that, its really a joke, its reverse psychology and you are part of it.

I stand by what I said btw, and its not mutilation. Its making things fair. Having more or less of a hormone does not change your sex, that is a ridiculous notion. Chromosomes will always be in original form. And if you do this to a child, yes this is child abuse.

yeah, Repugs are all about making things fair.

As usual, all you do is lie and twist the truth. Thanks for the call to stop free speech, exactly in line with your party, and just like Joe Biden. You can't handle the truth so you call the moderators, what a coward. You are part of the reverse psychology nonsense Joe preaches. Joe says republicans are radical, but the only people doing radical shit is the left. From tranny story time to BLM destroying neighborhoods, demonizing police, open borders, record inflation, vaccine mandates, keeping parents out of schools decision making. Thats radical. Republicans do not attend weekly klan meetings, we dont tear down statues. We do not gather together to lynch people, or re-define what a woman is. The only thing you can say is radical is abortion laws in some states. Other than that, its really a joke, its reverse psychology and you are part of it.

I stand by what I said btw, and its not mutilation. Its making things fair. Having more or less of a hormone does not change your sex, that is a ridiculous notion. Chromosomes will always be in original form. And if you do this to a child, yes this is child abuse.
I wasn't talking to you, just using your foul posts as an example of how the moderators have changed. Look at your posts and tell me your rambling rants are anything but trolling.

Regarding BLM, if you want to stop them, then work with BLM to end police brutality visited upon the people they are supposed to protect.

Regarding your hand wringing over the vandalism that happened alongside the BLM protests in 2020, I'd like to ask. Do you think the election was stolen from Trump? Do you support the people who attacked the Capitol Building on Jan 6?

That speech by Biden was spot on. Unlike what your kind do, he called for peaceful resistance to GOP MAGA fascism.
idk what you are talking about, Trump gave us the best economy in 50 years.
We were much better off when Clinton was prez. We had a surplus and paid down the national debt too. Three years isn't a full term, btw. But even overlooking the pratfall the US economy took when Trump mismanaged the epidemic, Trump's economy was not the best in 50 years, Clinton's was.

Biden's economy is rocking. We've turned the corner addressing Trump's inflation. More people working now than before the epidemic. Another 300,000 jobs added last month. Wages up 5+%. More jobs available than filled. More than 800,000 workers added to the job market, The economy is so hot right now the fed is probably going to raise interest rates in order to fight inflation. But I'm not bragging, just stating facts. Maybe when the Fed's interest rates bite and slow down growth, you'll get the jump in unemployment you want. Why do you want people to be out of work? Never mind. That was a rhetorical question. You want the economy to tank because that's the only hope GOP MAGA fascists have of taking the Senate in November. Your kind are unamerican.
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