Is Biden really that bad?

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Facts huh?
Bro, you’ve read so many responses to those “facts” i wonder if you’re read any of them?
I’ll touch on just one of them which to me is the most important.
Climate change. Do you really think EVERY fucking climate scientist is wrong? And/or that Biden is doing too much to combat it?
I’m not knocking Biden. There’s no give from the GOP on this. Congress is fucked right now. “Conservative” my fucking ASS!. Reagan and Nixon even junior were doing shit about it. Now, just like with the guns that are killing kids, they can't even go there because of campaign donations. Period.
Yes, Biden is weakening our country by forcing this shit too fast and doing in a stupid manner. It's a really stupid move and one of the things I hate most about that loser. I don't disagree that climate change is an issue. I just think we need to do it in a way smarter manner. China is loving this shit.
Yes, Biden is weakening our country by forcing this shit too fast and doing in a stupid manner. It's a really stupid move and one of the things I hate most about that loser. I don't disagree that climate change is an issue. I just think we need to do it in a way smarter manner. China is loving this shit.
Dude. Wtf is he doing too fast?
If you say the pipeline i sware to god.
So is there anything Biden has done that you didn't agree with?
Here, do some reading, they are a quality publication and do good work. I agree, he is probably the best president since FDR, judging by his performance in his first two years. By this third year he should have Vlad dead and Trump in a cage.

But don't take my word for it.

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Give him a majority in the house and senate and he make them like civilization, Joe speaks softly, but carries a really big fucking stick, that he often hides behind his back, until he gets close enough, then BAM. Ask Vlad in a month or two as he tries to extract that stick from his asshole while running from Ukraine, except when he tries to run he will find his army trapped and destroyed. Joe wants Vlad dead, and this is how you do that, you want revenge for him fucking over America with Trump, you will have it. It is interesting to note that Vlad got indicted just before Trump did, weeks apart and that both might walk through the gates of Hell arm in arm, Dark Bradon?
Give him a majority in the house and senate and he make them like civilization, Joe speaks softly, but carries a really big fucking stick, that he often hides behind his back, until he gets close enough, then BAM. Ask Vlad in a month or two as he tries to extract that stick from his asshole while running from Ukraine, except when he tries to run he will find his army trapped and destroyed. Joe wants Vlad dead, and this is how you do that, you want revenge for him fucking over America with Trump, you will have it. It is interesting to note that Vlad got indicted just before Trump did, weeks apart and that both might walk through the gates of Hell arm in arm, Dark Bradon?

So is there anything Biden has done that you didn't agree with?
he has a couple of things in the past, he changed horses mid stream on bussing in the 70s, he voted against gay marriage in the 90s, He voted for some minor banking and credit card deregulation...and the big one, in my mind, is that he chaired the hearings that confirmed clarence thomas as a scotus "justice", and ignored Anita Hill's allegations.
But, people change, Biden changed his stance on bussing, on lgbtq rights, he now wants stricter regulations on banking and the credit card industry, along with other pampered businesses that get away with usury and criminal fees. He seems sincere to me. He seems so completely transparent, so open, so human...Especially compared to the republicans, who all seem to basically slip freely back and forth between playing 3 characters in lord of the rings...
jrr1MYsm2pRx-551579058.jpg LOTR-The-Two-Towers-527-3783818531.jpg Gollum-smeagol-strong-229290993.jpg
Yes, Biden is weakening our country by forcing this shit too fast and doing in a stupid manner. It's a really stupid move and one of the things I hate most about that loser. I don't disagree that climate change is an issue. I just think we need to do it in a way smarter manner. China is loving this shit.
I dont know whos the biggest nut.

Jim Crenshaw, or MTG.

Cemetery filled with Bluetooth Signals as Dead Vaccinated emit MAC Addresses from the Grave!!
First published at 01:03 UTC on May 16th, 2022

Jim Crenshaw
Dead Men
may indeed tell Tales. They can broadcast A Bluetooth Signal. That is Pretty Creepy. I can hear It now, Police will be using this to find the Bodies of Murdered People. Holy Crap.
Are you Not Totally Shocked and Outraged that This is Happening. This is also Evidence that the Ingredients in the Vaxx, are Not Regular Vaxx Ingredients, and there S Something Sinister and Diabolical going on, that may have Something to do with Creating the New Human Species that is Connected to the Internet of THINGS. Are Those Bodies in the Graves even HUMAN or were they converted into THINGS? Just Disgusting. Please Share Widely.o_Oo_O:wall::wall:
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