Is Biden really that bad?

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Climate change is a hoax, its all lies guys.
It's not you know.

I can now catch fish that did not venture this far south when i was a kid. They have gone from just not being here to being a frequent catch as the water has warmed up.
We don't get the amount of snow and frost we did when i was younger.

Climate change is very real. When you change the landscape of the Earth so much from how it was only several hundred years ago to what we have today its pretty easy to see why and how.

ill ask nicely again for a fourth time, please stop responding to these people let them burn themselves out, thanks

Im curious about this sunni. I know your a moderator and seem to be a nice person, so I'd like to ask an honest question.

It seams like that if you are a republican, you are not allowed to post on this thread. The title of this thread is "is biden really that bad". Is it not allowed for anyone to voice their opinion on this thread, red or blue? Or is it just a biden cult thing? It is obviousy allowed, and even encouraged to pile up on every republican who posts on this thread, or anyone who doesnt agree with the common belief here.

Several of my posts have been deleted, even minutes after posting them, some of them anti biden memes, yes. But anti trump memes are liked and encouraged..

I'm not on this site to talk polotics, I come on here to talk about the art of growing good weed. This is rollitup right? I click on this thread and get blown away with what I read. I think democrats are nuts. Democrats think republicans are nuts. It is what it is, go vote and carry on, right?

Not trying to be a dick, and certainly not trying to troll anyone, just asking an honest question. Peace

Im curious about this sunni. I know your a moderator and seem to be a nice person, so I'd like to ask an honest question.

It seams like that if you are a republican, you are not allowed to post on this thread. The title of this thread is "is biden really that bad". Is it not allowed for anyone to voice their opinion on this thread, red or blue? Or is it just a biden cult thing? It is obviousy allowed, and even encouraged to pile up on every republican who posts on this thread, or anyone who doesnt agree with the common belief here.

Several of my posts have been deleted, even minutes after posting them, some of them anti biden memes, yes. But anti trump memes are liked and encouraged..

I'm not on this site to talk polotics, I come on here to talk about the art of growing good weed. This is rollitup right? I click on this thread and get blown away with what I read. I think democrats are nuts. Democrats think republicans are nuts. It is what it is, go vote and carry on, right?

Not trying to be a dick, and certainly not trying to troll anyone, just asking an honest question. Peace

You didn’t ask for my perspective, but it is this.

Republicans are as welcome as anyone else to post here.

However, when they start repeating Republican lies and Republican assaults on simple civil liberties, they should expect to be called on it.

Do not confuse being a Republican with willingly propagating the disease of falsehood, bigotry and dishonor that has the GOP currently in critical condition.

Our nation’s health and survival will depend on Republicans. Specifically, those who see through and reject the mendacity, cruelty and authoritarian intent displayed by most Republicans currently in office.

Such enlightened Republicans who provide a salutary voice against the corrosive lies issuing from McCarthy, Abbott, Boebert, Cruz, DeSantis, Jordan, both Thomases and the rest of the rat pack who have thrown in with the freedom caucus and other agents of frank overthrow — they are welcome here, and we appreciate their standing for what is right against the party majority. It is very valuable to our nation to have a core of honest dissenters from whom a healthy, reformed conservative establishment might be regrown. Because what we have now is a party whose name is bitter irony and which does the bidding of fascist oligarchs. They don’t want a republic.

Hope this helps.
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You didn’t ask for my perspective, but it is this.

Republicans are as welcome as anyone else to post here.

However, when they start repeating Republican lies and Republican assaults on simple civil liberties, they should expect to be called on it.

Do not confuse being a Republican with willingly propagating the disease of falsehood, bigotry and dishonor that has the GOP currently in critical condition.

Our nation’s health and survival will depend on Republicans. Specifically, those who see through and reject the mendacity, cruelty and authoritarian intent displayed by most Republicans currently in office.

Such enlightened Republicans who provide a salutary voice against the corrosive lies issuing from McCarthy, Abbott, Boebert, Cruz, DeSantis, Jordan, both Thomases and the rest of the rat pack who have thrown in with the freedom caucus and other agents of frank overthrow — they are welcome here, and we appreciate their standing for what is right against the party majority. It is very valuable to our nation to have a core of honest dissenters from whom a healthy, reformed conservative establishment might be regrown. Because what we have now is a party whose name is bitter irony and which does the bidding of fascist oligarchs. They don’t want a republic.

Hope this helps.
Sorry ducky, I will not be drawn into a political debate, nice try tho..

And yes you are correct, I was addressing sunni, not you. Carry on...
Also, Mexican dude in a trump shirt with a bunch of profanity on it, fuck your feelings type stuff...dragging two shoeless 5 year old kids around. That just made me laugh. Class act let me tell ya.
Did his shirt also say he was Mexican? What made you believe he was Mexican?
Im curious about this sunni. I know your a moderator and seem to be a nice person, so I'd like to ask an honest question.

It seams like that if you are a republican, you are not allowed to post on this thread. The title of this thread is "is biden really that bad". Is it not allowed for anyone to voice their opinion on this thread, red or blue? Or is it just a biden cult thing? It is obviousy allowed, and even encouraged to pile up on every republican who posts on this thread, or anyone who doesnt agree with the common belief here.

Several of my posts have been deleted, even minutes after posting them, some of them anti biden memes, yes. But anti trump memes are liked and encouraged..

I'm not on this site to talk polotics, I come on here to talk about the art of growing good weed. This is rollitup right? I click on this thread and get blown away with what I read. I think democrats are nuts. Democrats think republicans are nuts. It is what it is, go vote and carry on, right?

Not trying to be a dick, and certainly not trying to troll anyone, just asking an honest question. Peace


Is it the Dems or Repubs making it hard to make a happy life?
I emplore
You all to stop engaging please this is just an attack on me
People are mad they can’t just attack and name call and make whining threads about being a victim when all they had to do was use politics correctly
Im curious about this sunni. I know your a moderator and seem to be a nice person, so I'd like to ask an honest question.

It seams like that if you are a republican, you are not allowed to post on this thread. The title of this thread is "is biden really that bad". Is it not allowed for anyone to voice their opinion on this thread, red or blue? Or is it just a biden cult thing? It is obviousy allowed, and even encouraged to pile up on every republican who posts on this thread, or anyone who doesnt agree with the common belief here.

Several of my posts have been deleted, even minutes after posting them, some of them anti biden memes, yes. But anti trump memes are liked and encouraged..

I'm not on this site to talk polotics, I come on here to talk about the art of growing good weed. This is rollitup right? I click on this thread and get blown away with what I read. I think democrats are nuts. Democrats think republicans are nuts. It is what it is, go vote and carry on, right?

Not trying to be a dick, and certainly not trying to troll anyone, just asking an honest question. Peace

You can post
The problem is the people who come in here come in swords drawn than start calling people names
When asked to stop that particular issue they freak the fuck out make 100 new threads about how the mods are silencing their opinions and than are posting on other forums and into our inboxes whining meltdowns about how we are not trump supporters so we are picking on them

When it comes to the tos it’s plain and simple
No name calling no excessive arguing with each other
No racism and homophobia you know general good behavior

Plenty of liberal people couldn’t follow that tos either
At my job here I don’t care about the content of the discussion in terms of what political affiliation it is
Facts, hell, even objective fucking reality, don't seem to exist anymore as one's beliefs move farther to the Right - it seems to be all about the most laughably sick hero worship for them. That's why I avoid posting in this particular forum, or even talking politics at all anymore. I sincerely don't know how you guys do it. When someone's feelings clearly amount to so much more than actual facts ever will, I just don't know what to do with that. I love watching it, but I just can't be involved anymore. But I do appreciate when you guys manage to coax the occasional meltdown from the troll types. Keep up the good work.

Those who want to pretend to be all about law and order seem to have no interest in following rules or suffering the consequences for not doing so. The utter lack of self-awareness some people have is fucking astounding.
Im curious about this sunni. I know your a moderator and seem to be a nice person, so I'd like to ask an honest question.

It seams like that if you are a republican, you are not allowed to post on this thread. The title of this thread is "is biden really that bad". Is it not allowed for anyone to voice their opinion on this thread, red or blue? Or is it just a biden cult thing? It is obviousy allowed, and even encouraged to pile up on every republican who posts on this thread, or anyone who doesnt agree with the common belief here.

Several of my posts have been deleted, even minutes after posting them, some of them anti biden memes, yes. But anti trump memes are liked and encouraged..

I'm not on this site to talk polotics, I come on here to talk about the art of growing good weed. This is rollitup right? I click on this thread and get blown away with what I read. I think democrats are nuts. Democrats think republicans are nuts. It is what it is, go vote and carry on, right?

Not trying to be a dick, and certainly not trying to troll anyone, just asking an honest question. Peace


Hey man. I'm a Canuck and I'm trying to get both sides of the Biden argument. Problem I'm seeing, as I'm ignorant to American politics, is there is no actual argument on important topics. I'm honestly pretty fucking tired of all the pedo meme's, Hunter laptop tropes, and fucking hair sniffing and tripping on shit nonsense.

Start talking about your country. Education. Health care. Retirement. Infrastructure. Social security. Social ethics. Social fucking etiquette.

That last 45 dick snarfing ex "President" just took a big shit on your national women's soccer team that were atttempting their 3rd straight go at the championship.

Start showing national patriotic ethics FFS. What I'm seeing is fucking disgusting.

I think I just threw a Roger S.


American politics is strange. Its two sides that just hate each other. People lose friends and family members over which team they go for. Crazy stuff.
Marching and protesting in the streets with body armour and weapons waving their teams flag. Its like something out of science fiction but to Americans its the norm.

Biden isn't the best prez, but Trump was worse. Hopefully one day America gets a proper prez that wants to shake up the country and make America much more of a Social Democracy. They were heading towards it in the 60s and 70s and where other countries continued on that path America drifted further and further to the right and instead of concentrating on their own country got involved in over seas affairs that i don't think they really understood or didn't care to. The hippy movement got traction but didnt amount to much social change.
Obama was a war monger like Biden but Obama at least tried to bring about social change in America. Trump stirred up trouble in Asia that we are still dealing with but he did get America out of a war it shouldn't of gotten itself into and then Biden gets America straight back into one but at least the bodies are not American (and Australian) this time i spose is the good news for Americans. And my God do European wars have a huge body count.

Looks like the coming election will be rich old white conservative guy V's rich old white conservative guy so i guess not much will change for awhile. Will be the continuing drift to the right for at least the next decade, Trumps judges will see to that.

Such a huge, Incredibly rich population yet the cream doesn't seem to want to run the country or are not encouraged to. Perhaps not having a Social Democracy party means the cream don't have a party to run for? Or perhaps its the us and them mentality of the voting public that scares them away from public service.

Its kinda scary when America is not only the worlds most powerful military by a long ways but is also drifting further and further to the right than its oldest allies and is in such a fractured political and social state itself. What happens to the left leaning countries if and when America becomes a dictatorship or as far right as Israel? We saw and are still seeing the political issues Trump politics caused/ are causing in other countries even in far away places like Australia.

America was once a beacon to the world and now its just a sad parody of what it was once with its decaying, corrupt, warlike tentacles still growing and influencing the world.

Ignore the click bait title but...
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