Is "Buzz Kill" Real?


Well-Known Member
Is there a real physiological basis for "buzz kill?" Can something zap you back from highdom?
If one actually gets one's buzz killed, is it forever dead?


Well-Known Member
ouch...pittbull? and my electricity did go out one night late November, ice storm blew a transformer on my street


Well-Known Member
Is there a real physiological basis for "buzz kill?" Can something zap you back from highdom?
If one actually gets one's buzz killed, is it forever dead?
Honestly, does anyone know what the physical process is when a buzz is killed? Does it compare in any way to an alcohol buzz or drunk.. Because, once I'm drunk, I tend to stay drunk (no matter what the circumstances)


Well-Known Member
Theres always a tipping point where a buzz is experienced in excess and it cant be killed by threatening religious stimuli.
These are dangerous because you may have too much fun.