Is Cali Still Flooded?

I rock the same barrel setups too! Never have to worry about water again! Amazing what a $35 dollar float valve can do !
two 32 gallon garbage cans and 2 $15 dollar float valves. Just to stop the water, It's no fun watching a garbage can fill through a straw. I don't let the floats top off the water otherwise I wouldn't know how much nutes to mix in. I fill it, mix, use it all the mix then repeat.
LOLOL. Listen dad, obviously you guys have no idea on wtf I'm talking about. Im talking about copping a ten pack , for example, of blue dream, where 3 of em are fire fire, 3 of them are ok, like ehh, smell not as strong, little dry and shakey, and then the last 4 are garbage, dry as shit, 30g shake... It was my little message to those guys doing that type of shit, tryna sneak in some garbage in the packs. Now if your not out there selling ten packs, shut the fuck up, and get your money up pussy boy before u try to step in the ring with the big boys. Real talk.

real gangsters keep their mouth shut
Im a cardholder for all you security guards on here! lol

card holder or not keep it old school and tell no one, your bragging and talking shit on a forum that is monitored by leo about moving large quantities of FEDERALly illegal narcotics. I sincerely doubt your browsing from behind TOR a proxy or any type of re route service and ip addresses lead to real addresses with 1 phone call.

whatever happened to the good old days when people made money hand over fist without speaking a word.

now I'm not coming at you man, I have no problem with you besides the fact I would never work with you in a business sense I am just saying nothing good ever comes from bragging on the internet
My friend, its for shits and giggles. Bragging? About what? Cuz i hold a card like plenty do here in CA? I said that so no DADs come in here and try to give their morals to another grown man on what they shouldnt and should do.
OWWWWW NOOOOOO ITSSS LIKE getting deverginised all over again and again... ITs dry DRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Yipie KIIIIIEEEE YAAAAAAA.... FREEEEDOOOOOMMMMMMMM>>>>>>> lolz they wet like a horny chick on a mishion.. its dry and if you got it you got it... its open seeesion lolz its great....