Is Christianity Safe?

Is Christianity Safe?

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Well-Known Member
you do realize that the old testament is the jewish torah right? christianity is a totaly different religion. they stem from the same history(that of the old testament) but are totally different guess what the first half of the koran is???? thats right, the torah!!!
Completely incorrect re first half of the Koran. Where do you get that stuff?


Active Member
And between Christianity and islam, Christianity is the lesser of the 2 evils.
Thank god for the crusades.
And who are you to declare that? Is it wrong for the majority of them to want to kill every American on there land? If a small group of the KKK blew up the Canadian capital. the Canadians would attack, would you sit around because OTHER people did wrong to them? or would you fight against these people because you yourself didn't do shit in the first place? THERE ARE NO LESSER OF THE TWO. Evil is evil and religion holds humanity as a whole back from being a civilized species...


Well-Known Member
read up on him a bit, he was adamintly opposed to organized religion(the church) but he is in fact a christian spiritualist, you may want to further your search outside of "google_anti christian jefferson quotes"
What kind of 'christian spiritualist' would rewrite the bible completely removing any references to miracles and the divinity of Jesus?

Jefferson was very clearly a deist and made no apologies for it. He was certainly not a Christian.


Well-Known Member
read up on him a bit, he was adamintly opposed to organized religion(the church) but he is in fact a christian spiritualist, you may want to further your search outside of "google_anti christian jefferson quotes"
He was most closely associated with Deism.

That does not make him a Christian spiritualist.


Well-Known Member
And who are you to declare that? Is it wrong for the majority of them to want to kill every American on there land? If a small group of the KKK blew up the Canadian capital. the Canadians would attack, would you sit around because OTHER people did wrong to them? or would you fight against these people because you yourself didn't do shit in the first place? THERE ARE NO LESSER OF THE TWO. Evil is evil and religion holds humanity as a whole back from being a civilized species...
Agreed. Would Christianity be any less dangerous if western civilization hadn't secularized government to limit the wholesale murder of citizens by the religious state?

I sure as hell don't want a government or court system that relies on "communication with the almighty by the chosen" rather than a democratic process or evidence.


Active Member
Agreed. Would Christianity be any less dangerous if western civilization hadn't secularized government to limit the wholesale murder of citizens by the religious state?

I sure as hell don't want a government or court system that relies on "communication with the almighty by the chosen" rather than a democratic process or evidence.
Agreed, and no it would not... just like the which hunts and crusades have proven themselves to be no more than acts of religious paranoia. Oh and were they not christian churches that justified the use of slaves in early America? Did our founding fathers have slaves? you bet.
Thats the problem with most Christians, they justify their religion by claiming these all mighty all good and all pure "founding fathers" were christians themselves. But whenever you point out their faults they say, "we'll times were different" but mysteriously the bible wasn't so the message has stayed the same... :?:
Obviously the bible is simply a tool for justifying acts of evil and violating HUMAN rights... in the name of god :fire:


Agreed, and no it would not... just like the which hunts and crusades have proven themselves to be no more than acts of religious paranoia. Oh and were they not christian churches that justified the use of slaves in early America? Did our founding fathers have slaves? you bet.
Thats the problem with most Christians, they justify their religion by claiming these all mighty all good and all pure "founding fathers" were christians themselves. But whenever you point out their faults they say, "we'll times were different" but mysteriously the bible wasn't so the message has stayed the same... :?:
Obviously the bible is simply a tool for justifying acts of evil and violating HUMAN rights... in the name of god :fire:
Yep, good post.

Someone needs to explain that shit. Only problem is, they can't.

So they'll just ignore it, like usual, and carry on believing it because Jesus said the Christians would be "persected for their beliefs" - those same beliefs the Westburo Baptists claim so highly and moral... So they think they're doing the right thing, because if they weren't everyone would be on board with Christianity... (Christian logic fails at every corner)


Well-Known Member
Agreed, and no it would not... just like the which hunts and crusades have proven themselves to be no more than acts of religious paranoia. Oh and were they not christian churches that justified the use of slaves in early America? Did our founding fathers have slaves? you bet.
Thats the problem with most Christians, they justify their religion by claiming these all mighty all good and all pure "founding fathers" were christians themselves. But whenever you point out their faults they say, "we'll times were different" but mysteriously the bible wasn't so the message has stayed the same... :?:
Obviously the bible is simply a tool for justifying acts of evil and violating HUMAN rights... in the name of god :fire:
Not all of the founders favored slavery. It was a contentious issue even then. They punted on the issue in order to establish the U.S., but that decision was ultimately decided four-score and nine years later. We all know how that turned out.

Today, Christians would not favor slavery because Christianity has evolved. This is due to the Reformation, a theme I keep coming back to. The Reformation changed everything. The full effects of it did not occur overnight, but they occurred.

In fact, using the Protestant Reformation as a benchmark, consider how many extremely significant developments occurred in Western Civilization after it. How many would have occurred had the Catholic Church succeeded in maintaining it's iron-fisted dominance?

By the way, there is a major religion operating today which turns a blind eye to slavery, tolerating it even now. Any guesses?


Well-Known Member
Agreed, and no it would not... just like the which hunts and crusades have proven themselves to be no more than acts of religious paranoia. Oh and were they not christian churches that justified the use of slaves in early America? Did our founding fathers have slaves? you bet.
Thats the problem with most Christians, they justify their religion by claiming these all mighty all good and all pure "founding fathers" were christians themselves. But whenever you point out their faults they say, "we'll times were different" but mysteriously the bible wasn't so the message has stayed the same... :?:
Obviously the bible is simply a tool for justifying acts of evil and violating HUMAN rights... in the name of god :fire:
A bit exaggerated don't ya think? :fire:Bad people will always hide behind the church or the imam or the temple or what the fuck ever! They hide in our government's highest ranks. I mean, why not, it's the perfect place to hide. They are everywhere! Everywhere I tell ya! :o


Well-Known Member
Everything you say is a Lie that you twist and Manipulate into a bigger Lie. You are a Liar, I can prove that as fact. I'm busy at the moment, haven't been on site lately and I'm excited to see so many new people posting, but I had to pause to respond to your stupid shit for calling me an Idiot for no reason, other than your simple minded Monkee reasoning skills. Now your lying saying I was too lazy to look something up, which is another Flat Out Lie from the depths of a baboons Ass.

I'm not going to waste anymore time responding to your stupid ass posts. You are right, there is finally some intelligent conversations going on, the only thing is the threads and topics haven't changed, just the People. So, stop proving yourself to be a liar and Ignore me, or call the RIU maintenance Man/lady to fix your Ignore Button, or Fall upon Your Knees, and Submit to Your God as Well.. :lol:

You want me to respond with something insightful for repping somebody post and including Atdeist in the same category of Human FAllacies, and you calling me an Idiot for it. (not like I really give a shit what you call me annway) Yes, I'll respond with something of substance just for you. I'll prove you lack the comprehension skills of an 4yo, I'll prove with FAct that you are an unconscious habitual Liar. I'll also prove that you are 2 Cuckoos short of some Cocoa Puffs Too, if you Like...

Maybe you want to go back and read a bunch of his nonsense posts, where his best attempt at making a point was just to use the word monkey in each one.

Once anyone has established themselves as too lazy to look something up, or just repeats the same unsubstantiated crap that was argued by themselves or someone else in the discussions they're fair game for contempt.

I grew tired of the liars for jesus and the "god is real you just don't know how to look for him" crowd, long ago.


Well-Known Member
Everything you say is a Lie that you twist and Manipulate into a bigger Lie. You are a Liar, I can prove that as fact. I'm busy at the moment, haven't been on site lately and I'm excited to see so many new people posting, but I had to pause to respond to your stupid shit for calling me an Idiot for no reason, other than your simple minded Monkee reasoning skills. Now your lying saying I was too lazy to look something up, which is another Flat Out Lie from the depths of a baboons Ass.

I'm not going to waste anymore time responding to your stupid ass posts. You are right, there is finally some intelligent conversations going on, the only thing is the threads and topics haven't changed, just the People. So, stop proving yourself to be a liar and Ignore me, or call the RIU maintenance Man/lady to fix your Ignore Button, or Fall upon Your Knees, and Submit to Your God as Well.. :lol:

You want me to respond with something insightful for repping somebody post and including Atdeist in the same category of Human FAllacies, and you calling me an Idiot for it. (not like I really give a shit what you call me annway) Yes, I'll respond with something of substance just for you. I'll prove you lack the comprehension skills of an 4yo, I'll prove with FAct that you are an unconscious habitual Liar. I'll also prove that you are 2 Cuckoos short of some Cocoa Puffs Too, if you Like...
Please do this, whoop on him hard core, I want to see. Remember he values logic and reason so try to use only those against him, that'll get through.


Active Member
What the fuck did you just say? :confused:
HAHA... word

and I like Johnnyorganic's post... all that's true. BUT the problem lies in the fact that people who are "hardcore believers" are almost always against any kind of radical change that would make there ways of doing things different.
I.E. Slavery, the SOUTH fought the war to protect slavery because they had the majority of slaves. Ending slavery would mean a shit ton more work for themselves and ultimately money, which is a whole other issue, so they fight against it. And today ask any defender of slavery and white supremacy how they can be a christian man and believe this and he will point out "New Living Translations" of condoning slavery as well as Hebrew references on how you should treat slaves if you have them...
And you can blame mistranslation or whatever but the bottom line is people should not allow an ancient book based off astrological symbolism and superstition to govern their daily lives and practices.
Instead of a religion we should all be ready to take on new information and ways of doing things even if that information or discovery threatens our current beliefs and traditions. Religion stops us from achieving this by allowing a common belief or church to make its followers protectors of the status quo by outcasting anyone who does not agree or threatens what they believe.

If you don't agree look at how the modern God/Jesus based religions try to talk their way out of proving dinosaurs were here way before their god "created it" But accepting this means their entire belief system crumples because god is wrong and if god is wrong apparently the world ends (as depicted in the movie dogma with ben afflec matt damon), many people believe this that god simply cannot be wrong.

But shit does all this typing have my hands tired, time to spark the bizzong and get to tending to the children :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Please do this, whoop on him hard core, I want to see. Remember he values logic and reason so try to use only those against him, that'll get through.
If he starts talking again about how we live in a gravity well so strong it can pull light back toward us to make the apparent age of the universe change, I'm just gonna puke.

And that's from the symptoms you get when exposed to a force that would rend you into individual atoms.

Puking followed by disintegration.

Or laughter.

edit: I wonder if his proof of the "liar" claim will be the Santa Claus origin. I stopped at the Dutch interpretation, thinking that was the origin, but it actually goes back to a man in Turkey. Just read about that the other day. Oh noes!


Well-Known Member
This comment is Stupid Meds. Pointless and Stupid. Simply taking a side because you are clueless as well. You say and do shit that is completely contradictive as well just because. Your posts are meaningless as well. If there is no logic and reasoning for what I just said, You can hit the ignore button as well, because I have more of the same for you.

Please do this, whoop on him hard core, I want to see. Remember he values logic and reason so try to use only those against him, that'll get through.

You see, I don't have to do anything. You are an Unconscious Habitual Liar. Show me where I said we live in a gravity well so strong light is pulled back, also, show me where I said I'm too Lazy to look up something as well. I don't know what the fuck you are talking about in regards to the universe age change. Some more shit you just making up. I know where you are pulling the information from, but nothing of the like was even said. You are a Blind Unconscious Liar and Say shit just because you are a Blind Unconscious Liar. I would recommend a Head doctor for you, but I'm for alternative health 1st, but it doesn't look like the weed you are smoking is strong enough to remedy your circumstances. I just had an flash of thought and now understand why you say this shit. You read what I say and then try to take in what I said with your 3yo comprehension level of understanding. Maybe meds was not joking. Maybe I should stick with making things simple for you to understand. My bad, I Forgot. Sorry Meds, and Sorry Morgue. I'll break out the colors next time...

edit: YOu lied about Santa Claus as well :lol:,

If he starts talking again about how we live in a gravity well so strong it can pull light back toward us to make the apparent age of the universe change, I'm just gonna puke.

And that's from the symptoms you get when exposed to a force that would rend you into individual atoms.

Puking followed by disintegration.

Or laughter.

edit: I wonder if his proof of the "liar" claim will be the Santa Claus origin. I stopped at the Dutch interpretation, thinking that was the origin, but it actually goes back to a man in Turkey. Just read about that the other day. Oh noes!
Oh Yeah, btw:

A Coward Dies a Thousand Deaths, A Soldier only Dies Once, Coward!!


Well-Known Member
I'm working on it.

I just got to the part where you claimed gravity comes from a "metallic weight" because everything has metal in it, and then I pointed out Hydrogen is not metallic, has mass, and exerts gravitational forces.

Nice backpedaling job:

Ahoy! What's this?

You made a statement about light being sucked back. For light to be "sucked back" there needs to be a gravity well strong enough to do so.

So one can infer you either know about the gravity well or you're just making stuff up and hoping not to be caught. Which I point out in the messages following.

You see, I don't have to do anything. You are an Unconscious Habitual Liar. Show me where I said we live in a gravity well so strong light is pulled back, also, show me where I said I'm too Lazy to look up something as well. I don't know what the fuck you are talking about in regards to the universe age change. Some more shit you just making up. I know where you are pulling the information from, but nothing of the like was even said. You are a Blind Unconscious Liar and Say shit just because you are a Blind Unconscious Liar. I would recommend a Head doctor for you, but I'm for alternative health 1st, but it doesn't look like the weed you are smoking is strong enough to remedy your circumstances. I just had an flash of thought and now understand why you say this shit. You read what I say and then try to take in what I said with your 3yo comprehension level of understanding. Maybe meds was not joking. Maybe I should stick with making things simple for you to understand. My bad, I Forgot. Sorry Meds, and Sorry Morgue. I'll break out the colors next time...

edit: YOu lied about Santa Claus as well :lol:,

Oh Yeah, btw:

A Coward Dies a Thousand Deaths, A Soldier only Dies Once, Coward!!


Well-Known Member
Wasn't no need to back pedal, everything I said before then, up to, & after made sense. Ahoy what? You still proving me correct by saying your comprehension is of an 3yo. We were talking about Super Massive Black Holes, remember (Not). Sorry, I forgot light only escapes the gravity of black holes in fantasy atdeist land. And yes, I will suggest that every galaxy known by man is submerged in a galaxy well, the one at the center Monkee..

Also, a liar for Jesus only has to die once.., for 3 days you're in the clear, then you gotta watch your back, Monkee

I'm working on it.

I just got to the part where you claimed gravity comes from a "metallic weight" because everything has metal in it, and then I pointed out Hydrogen is not metallic, has mass, and exerts gravitational forces.

Nice backpedaling job:

Ahoy! What's this?

You made a statement about light being sucked back. For light to be "sucked back" there needs to be a gravity well strong enough to do so.

So one can infer you either know about the gravity well or you're just making stuff up and hoping not to be caught. Which I point out in the messages following.


Well-Known Member
I'm busy, Coward, post away and ill take time out later to prove why logically and reasonably, you fit nicely in the category of Coward, Coward!! Ill show you how to bait with shark @ the end of your reel, Coward!! =)


I'm busy, Coward, post away and ill take time out later to prove why logically and reasonably, you fit nicely in the category of Coward, Coward!! Ill show you how to bait with shark @ the end of your reel, Coward!! =)

What the hell is the point of that, of this?

Go talk to him about this via pm if it's so important, all you're doing now is dragging the thread along.

The point of this thread is that Christainity is obviously dangerous. That much has been concluded.

When atheism mounts multiple crusades to go kill thousands of people in the name of atheism, you guys (speaking generally) will have some ground to stand on.