is cow manure and compost a good mix for outdoor growing


hi every one. its about that time to get my site ready for my outdoor grow and i had a few questions. i have never used manure before and wanted to know if it was safe so use and if so what ratio to dirt and compost would be best suited for my plants? the cow manure has been sitting for about three weeks now. would i need to let it sit more before adding it to my grow site? any advice will help.. thanks


Well-Known Member
I used to use composted horse manure...I waited till it broke down and wasn't even recognizable as manure anymore.
I know fresh manure will burn plants roots. A couple weeks doesn't sound long enough to me but IDK. Maybe a couple months?
You can get composted manure in bags also.... Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
This is my first season trying organic soil amendments, and from the reading i've done cow manuer unlike horse/chicken/ect. is "cool" meaning it doesn't need to break down and compost before use. Someone please correct me if im wrong, but i dont think i am. I've done a shit ton of research on the matter.


Active Member
I used cow compost last year and got great results. I got the big bags of Evergreen cow compost from Lowes for like 1.39 each. Mixed the cow compost with dolemite lime and the soil that was already at my grow site. I used Compost tea through out my grow and my plants reached 6 feet before I harvested......and all I was growing was bagseed. Here is a link to my old grow journal/thread......


Active Member
Important tip: When using cow compost/manuer......Be sure to buy a couple bags of mulch to cover up and grass sprout from photosynthesizing. Cows eat grass....Grass has seeds....Cows poop has alot of grass seeds....All types of different grass popped up in my garden during last years grow. Other than the grass, the cow compost work perfectly. I used the same cow compost for my compost tea too. I was amazed at how well it work. My plants were completely grown with no other ferts than compost tea. Be sure to prep the area now to give the dolemite lime time to work into the soil well. It rained a couple of times before I put my plants in the ground. I harvested 8 pounds off of 22 plants. All seed free and smoked awesome! Beware that if you grow your own .......You won't want to smoke nasty azz schwag that wasn't cared for properly anymore. Weed grown properly tastes so much better and leave no headache.