Is creek soil good for outdoor growing?


Hello, I live right by forest preserve and was wondering if the soil is good for growing, There's alot of ditch weed here that grows. I was thinking about transplanting my seedings to the soil by a creek and then feeding them technaflor fertilizer once a week. What do you think?



Well-Known Member
if rag weed grows in the area your weed will but can rag weed fuck ur plants up is the question ? we dont have that wherei live so i never had to look into that


Well-Known Member
If other plants can grow in it, the answer would be yes. When I saw the title, I was going to say watch out for pollutants that may have settled in the silt, but a nature preserve sounds perfect! Please be responsible with your fertilizers and pest control products and avoid run off. If you can't leave it in better condition than when you started, you probably shouldn't grow in the preserve.


Well-Known Member
yes get the blackest dirt you can find. i would also add regular potting soil in case the ground is too acidic