iS darkness MANDATORY for auto??


Active Member
Hi guys, just wondering if darkness is absolutely mandatory for an autoflower during flowering as I cannot find a way to get total darkness:-( in my growbox, atleast a little light seeps Im wondering to leave it as it is which is 24/0.
thank you for the advice and help.


Well-Known Member
one way or another you'll have to find a way to get complete darkness at some point.... having said that .. it's strain dependent. Some auto's can flower on a 24/0 schedule, some will take alot longer to flower.
If you're looking for a 24/0 auto ... look for one that has genetics from the northernmost parts of the globe. But i'll bet money that they will not be potent.
you need to understand mroe about autos. they can flower on any light schedule, thats why they are called autos. they do no need darkness. and the most potent strains come from the belt along the earth called the equator.


Active Member
I ran an experiment with some autos on lighting and the ones I left on 24hrs weren't as good as the ones I had on 18/6. They were weaker and smaller. The 18/6 one's Really seemed they loved that 6 hrs of darkness. Plus if your runnin an hps or mh I don't think the ballasts are meant to run 24hrs I believe they need some cool time. I may be wrong about that but I like to think so why run it so hard ya know? and for light leaks get the good ol duct tape and cover those holes!


^Many people run their MH and HPS lights on a 24/0 schedule without problems. As long as you can vent out the heat, you won't have any problems.


Active Member
thanks for the replies guys!! Well im going to start a light cycle from tomorrow, its blue him auto from SSS. Seems like a good strain, plant genetics are great! and now going to decide on a cycle.