is deironized water okay ? isit the same as distilled, what is the best water to use


Active Member
so im using de-ironized water for 'car batterys and irons'. without any nutes its about ph 6.5-7 with nutes it goes above 7 so i use Ph down
isit the same as distilled will it cause any problems, will using normal tap water set out in an open container for 2 days be better ?, 'its free'
should i boil the water then let it set out?
whats the best way to get water to use for my plants? on a budget dont have the money for a water distillery there about £200
i have PH down .. coz the tap water round my area is about Ph 8


Active Member
I only use my tap water and my plant seems to be doing well but the water in your area might be different than mine so prob best if you leave it for 2 - 3 days than the water should be fine to use.


Active Member
ideal PH is like 6.5

My reverse osmosis tap comes out at like 6.6 so it's preeee perf.

I have no idea about deironized water...i've only heard of deIONized water...


Active Member
You are not using deironized water. You have deionized water.
Deionized water is a type of purified water with mineral ions (salts) removed. These mineral ions include sodium, calcium, iron, copper, chloride, and bromide. Deionized water is created by taking conventional water and exposing it to electrically charged resins that attract and bind to the salts, removing them from the water. Because most of the impurities in water are mineral salts, deionized water is mostly pure, but it CAN still contain numerous bacteria and viruses, which have no charge and therefore are not attracted to the electrified resins.