Is Fox Farm Organic?


Active Member
lol well, gonna skip right past the whole FF growing incredible pot...

as for organic designation.. i have lived my entire life in the food industry, do yourself a favor and look up what it takes to have an organic label. you are on the internet after all.

also i said that FF nutrients, as in liquid, is a chemical cocktail. dont believe me? go read where it says 'organic based' on the side of the bottle.

wonder why they call it tiger bloom? because it makes you roar when you smoke it. those of us that have been around long enough to know what we are talking about know that as you feed the plant chem ferts, those chems are transported and held in every cell of the plant. you do not flush them out. period. but thats another story entirely, and im not gonna sit here and walk you through the basics of botany. note how sledgehammer flush was released after the nutrient line hit the market because of the number of people complaining about the ionic bond between soil and nutrients that needs to be broken in order to flush from the soil.

FFOF has proven to have incredible ph fluctuations and varied nutrient values from bag to bag, back in the olden days FF did actually have decent soil, partly because not as wide of a variety of products were available as they are today (many of which are much better) but mainly because the family in NY that owned FF had a large plot of land that they harvested their bases from, well as we all know the company got large and their now small lot of land could not keep up, so they outsourced for their products, losing quality control.

sure, you grow good weed with FF, but there I, as a well seasoned professional am saying there are better products out there, no im not trying to say your weed isnt dank or youre not the best grower ever. but i, having no stake in the game to defend FFOF or any other product am simply saying, no FF nutes are not organic. their soil is questionable at best.

wanna disprove me? go ahead.

what do you use
do yourself a favor, reread this whole thread, and take more than 5 seconds before you respond.

yes i saw too much N in your plants, you also said you wouldnt be happy with less than 6oz, 2oz each, well im here to tell you that you need to veg longer, and get bigger pots to hit that goal, take a breather dude. you have a lot to learn and i can guarantee you nothing but ill-fortune if you continue to blindly doubt what is being told to you by professionals. your grow needs work and a serious overhaul.

i could not care less about your grow, or you, i answered the questions that were asked with more detail and experience than was required so that some of you guys will actually learn something hopefully.

you can say your not pissy but read your posts, quit acting like a child and pay attention, people that actually know their shit are telling you solid info, if you dont wanna learn i cant make you.

what would you recomend for a dwc?


Active Member
Yeahh? Well thanks for the congrats and nothing else. I already know the purpose of an organic grow, and I've already repeated what you just said maybe 10 times here at RIU. Troll my posts and find them to convince yourself of whatever u need.

I really don't care if FFOF is organic or not. Paying attention to my posts you would've gotten that. "I just know it says organic on the bag". <-pretty sure this was my exact statement if not close argument has always been that it works and pot loves it.

And I'm speaking based on my current results...not any personal biases or opinions.
It's not my opinion that cannabis loves FFOF. My plants show that its FACT.
And my personal biases have nothing to do with you or anyone else...that's why their personal.
Your just some cyber guy to me. Maybe rethink using the word personal as nothing's personal here.

I'm growing in my own soil mix....FFOF is just its base.

& what do I give a fuck about FFOF? I don't get paid when ppl buy it...I don't work for FFOF. The company doesn't concern me.
And my grow is totally Organic? I dont use bottled nutes to feed my plants, I use AACTs to feed my soil ecosystem.
Everything is in the soil before I put the plant in it....Truly organic.

And all I do is read and add knowledge to my "big ol noggin". If u knew me, you'd know that..but......

Did I mention yet that you don't know me??
We were done with our "slightly heated" debate when you had to chime in and acknowledge...
You shoulda just minded your business and answer the question at the top of the page.

is Fox Farm organic?

My answer is it says on the bag the FFOF is organic and pot loves it.
My plants speak for them selves.

Fact and Fact guy.

This ain't about how your feel about mine and coastals discussion...No one asked for ur input regarding our convo and I'm sure like myself, Coastal don't give one in refards what your talking about....

Is Fox Farm Organic? That's the only thing someone asked here...Not how u feel about me...
You said your a user and you love it..that's ALL that matters..

chea.....and my "noggin" is ONLY gettin BIGGER.
I DO NOT dumb it down.
Dude, if you’re still around you’re the most pretentious person I’ve heard online. You receive constructive criticism from experienced growers and argue with them instead of trying to learn more. That’s the goal knowing as much as possible so you can establish the best growing style for you. So when you run into problems you gave a good idea and if unsure asking your peers with lots of experience is a valuable tool. Shit I was just looking up why the Fox Farm Ocean Forest I just received isn’t organic and isn’t certified by OMRI or anyone else on these bags I just got. But seeing how full of yourself you are after one measly grow pissed me off. I still run into problems after 10+ years growing indoors. Going off the pics there was an abundance of nitrogen and leaf tips are brown. Which signifies to much Nitrogen and leaf tip burns. Sorry I forgot you know everything and shouldn’t even chime in but hey keep that attitude when others offer assistance and you won’t have anyone to help when you get late in flower and your ph fluctuates and you get nutrient lockout. You know how to fix everything again and determine what’s deficient when a lot of deficiencies can display very similar to one another.

So anyways I had bought a few bags years ago before I switched over to doing my own organic soil and recycling it. The few times it was used it worked pretty good. Back then it was OMRI certified and stated it was organic on the bag. I’m pretty angry I just bought 3 cubic feet and it’s effing useless to me. No OMRI and nothing organic or natural about it. Effing useless because I don’t brew teas and introduce mycos and worm castings to only kill them by putting them in toxic soil. I love my beneficial microorganisms to death. My worms take forever but I love em too. That’s more for my aact because it’s fresher than what stores offer. I’m through with Fox Farms and going right back to making my own.


Well-Known Member
Surprisingly many growers overthink FFOF ... its ingredient list is one of the best “ right out of the bag “ ... ph’d at 6.3 ... it’s kind of hard to fuck a grow with it. Running it for years. Yes its a bit hot for some seedling strains but they all will acclimate to it as long as you add nothing on top of mix.
I run layered FFOF mixes
with EB stone or straight ffof .... no issues as it will carry a plant easily for 6 weeks , then all you do is top dress it to carry thru flower ... “ how hard is that ? “ .

DR. Earth soil is OMRI cert but FFOF will still work strongly. Too many growers complain about this soil for no good reason. Keep the ph at 6.3-6.5 and relax. Top dress , water in ... relax.

Ingredients: Composted forest humus, sphagnum peat moss, Pacific Northwest sea-going fish emulsion, crab meal, shrimp meal, earthworm castings, sandy loam, perlite, bat guano, granite dust, Norwegian kelp, and oyster shell (for pH adjustment).