Is he a male?? is she a girl??


Well-Known Member
in the first picture, my plant looks as if it is growing bubble like features on the nodes, are these sacks or just more genetic mutations, remember, this is the plant that has high stress and might just be fucked up.

Also, I thought weed leaves only had seven blades(or pedals)?? In the second picture, it shows the second-to-top leaves which have 9 blades..Also, they get bigger on my plant in ascending order.....on the very bottom 1 blade, next branch is 3 blades, next branch is 5 blades, next branch has 7 blades, this one has 9, and the ones that are commin up now have 9 (that I can see now). Does this mean that the plant has anymore of a chance that its female??

OR, is this a sign that I should flower?? Im kinda holding off on that until she(or he) gets bigger but if I should flower around the second set of nine pedals that would be good to know.



Well-Known Member
those lumps on the first one are common, and are not a bad thing, doesnt mean its male. as for the second, the number of blades is also very common, and it wouldnt be a bad idea to flower soon, it looks kinda fem too.


Well-Known Member
These pictures and quotes were donated from a sexing thread about identifying females by their pre-flowers (primordia) which was authored by "Crazy Composer". The pictures alone speak a thousand words...

Note: The plant parts marked with an "X" are called "stipules", they appear on both male and female plants.

This diagram shows the difference (on a slightly more mature plant) between genuine pre-flowers and actual bud sites, which are - in fact different animals altogether.

From a further distance, but quite clear-cut.
I know how it is for some of the newer growers who are eagerly anticipating their first view of an actual marijuana flower. Well, this is what it looks like, play your cards right and you'll have thousands of these hairs clumped tightly together and covered in crystals that will smell so nice. Don't worry, it's coming.


Well-Known Member
Identifying a true preflower is way to tell sex before 12/12. That way you can take clones from the known females without wasting the time and space on males.

(Kifit) "do not try to sex a seedling based on the very first preflower you see with a 25x times microscope.....wait and make sure. The time between using a 25x to spot the very first preflower sex and the plant dropping pollen is at least 10+ days away and so it's safe."

"It's best to cull a male only after you are 101% sure - when you see 2 or 3 (or more) immature male flowers bunched together on the internodes or the top growing tip - this is a male, for sure, females preflowers have white " spears " that appear in a vee. ..but "every now and then a sexually indistinguishable flower appears" (Ed Rosenthal)

After a few weeks in veg, plants will begin to show their sex. Usually the males show first. The male preflower is a miniscule ball. It appears that there is a small piece of foliage that covers the ball and protrudes outward when the male preflowers first appear.

The following pics show MALE preflowers the FIRST day they show their future pollen distribution centers.

Many times preflowers will appear at the fourth or fifth node, whereas the plant is on the 7th or 8th node. These preflowers usually don't develop into full flowers, but are only an indicator of the plants sex.

Female on left, male on right. Im only certain about the sex cause I watched them several more days. 25X magnification.

Image credit to: FOAF


Well-Known Member
The following image displays a male plant at about 10 days flowering.

Photo Contributed By: PLAYn



Well-Known Member
Those are probably the best pics and guidance to male and female plants..

I vote to sticky those in general marijuana growing or newbie central (just the pics and kind words of mogie)


Well-Known Member
thanks guys, Its good to know that the balls on the nodes can be normal, but I will still watch this platn as it has been growing strange and seems to me like it might become a male (so much for hope lol). As for the other plant growing several blades, I agree, this plant looks like a very healthy (what will be) female!.


Active Member
Does anyone know about what time the male plants start to drop pollen? I have had mine in flowering for 2.5 weeks, and I just found the last 2 males. Any chance the crip becomes seedy?

also - Is it possible for a plant to be BOTH male and female? I have one that has DEFINITE hairs, but it also has the little "fun bag" looking things that open and drop.... or is it just a different strain of female?

Pics to come.


Well-Known Member
i had 17 blades on 1 leaf. they were double stacked.

this is a smaller one. i didn't get pics of the biggest.


totally strain dependent.